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* * * These people will give presentations. More speakers will be added to this list * * *

douggrahampicture.jpg (1784826 bytes) Dr Douglas Graham:

Author, raw food athletic trainer to stars & Olympic athletes!

Dr. Graham is our Saturday Keynote Speaker!

Dr. Graham will give us two presentations, and will be a participant in Sunday evening's panel discussion, available to answer questions from festival attendees. Following are descriptions of the 2 classes he will give:


(1) "What Sciences Report About Raw Foods, A Unified Approach to Nutrition" Almost every science from Anatomy to Zoology has given us insight into human nutrition. If you have ever wondered how science supports the Raw Foods Movement, this is the talk you must hear! Health, intellect, athleticism, longevity, beauty, and spirit are all affected by what we eat. Learn what are the optimum foods for humans, how to eat them, when, and why.

(1) "Nutrition & Athletic Performance" What are the optimum foods for athletes, or people who just want to become more active? Are there performance-enhancing supplements? Discover the role of protein, fat, carbohydrate, water, and micronutrients. This information promises to be thought provoking. The facts are definitely not what you have been lead to believe. Key nutrients play a huge role in day to day performance. Learn why they are so important, and how vegetarian athletes can best manage them.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about Dr Douglas Graham

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Gabriel Cousens, MD:

Gabriel Cousens, M.D., founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona, is a holistic medical doctor and spiritual facilitator who uses the modalities of live-food nutrition, naturopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy and acupuncture, blended with spiritual awareness, in the healing of body, mind and spirit. A graduate of Columbia University Medical School, Dr. Cousens is a best-selling author-- titles include: "Conscious Eating, Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet", "Sevenfold Peace, Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing" and "Depression-Free for Life". The essential purpose of Gabriel’s work is to help awaken the Kundalini, the feminine face of God, in as many people as possible to facilitate the return to the One.

Dr Cousens is our Sunday Keynote Speaker!


“The Lovers’ Electron Diet and Way of Life”

In this 2-hour seminar Dr. Cousens, world-renowned holistic physician and best-selling author, shares a larger context for the importance of live-food nutrition. Not only does he reveal the significance of live-food nutrition from biophysics to metaphysics, he also explains the degenerative effects of poor diet on the physical and mental health of our society. Dr. Cousens reveals his original and evolutionary concept of the “biologically altered brain.” To support and inspire healing, Dr. Cousens shares the Lovers’ Electron Diet and Way of Life--individualized nutritional and lifestyle tools for healing the “addictive brain” and depression.  Learn how to remove and repair the obstacles that keep us from fully embodying the raw Divine joy of who we truly are.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about Dr Gabriel Cousens, MD.

davidwolfe.jpg (22156 bytes) David Wolf:

The world's foremost promoter of the raw food diet!

David is one of our Prominently Featured Speakers!


"Radical Health Transformation: Secrets of raw-food nutrition!"

Presenter information:

Co-author of "Nature's First Law" & author of "Sunfood Diet Success System"! David is the world's foremost promoter of the raw food diet! He came to Portland recently, on his Sunfood Tour, to give us a 2-day seminar. The knowledge he presented has had a profoundly positive impact on local people's success with the raw food diet…with David, you know you'll be getting information you can't hear anywhere else!

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about David Wolfe.  

klein.jpg (98818 bytes) David Klein:


"Body Wisdom: Tuning in & aligning with our guiding sense of healthfulness" David Klein, publisher of "Living Nutrition Magazine" and author of "Your Natural Diet: Alive Raw Foods", will lead us on a unique journey inward. David will demonstrate simple meditative tools for exploring the true nature of our appetites, for helping us to overcome emotional eating patterns and realize expanding joy on the raw food path. David's presentation will include taste sensation exercises for refining our raw food eating and putting us in touch with new alive dimensions of our multi-faceted selves.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about David Klein.  

dinasproul.jpg (310046 bytes) Dr Jamey Dina, & Dr Kim Sproul:

Authors of the popular raw recipe book, "Uncooking with Jamey & Kim." Owners of the company "Healthforce Regeneration Systems."

2 Presentations:

(1) Dr Kim Sproul, ND, will give the following talk:

"How to Save the Planet by Becoming a Raw Vegan" Not only does a raw Vegan diet help to detoxify our bodies, but it also greatly helps to detoxify our precious planet...which, in turn, helps to detoxify ourselves even more! In addition, such a diet has the power to end some of the tremendous pain, suffering, torture and unnecessary death that is taking place behind closed doors. We cannot achieve true peace on earth until this stops. It is creating disharmony and literally destroying our planet. Our landfills are overflowing, our forests are going away, and our air and water are no longer pure. All of these problems are largely related to everyday food choices. Learn what a powerful impact you can have on the health, vitality, detoxification, ecology and spirituality of the entire planet by simply making choices that empower your own health, vitality, detoxification, and spirituality. You won¹t want to miss this much- neglected topic.

(2) Dr Jamey Dina, ND, will give the following talk:

"Rational Raw Foodism - Embracing the Biology, Not the Philosophy" Based on fifteen years of research, in this lecture Dr. Jamey Dina will provide much hard science as to why a raw, Vegan diet and lifestyle is so beneficial. Dr. Dina will ask you to look beyond rhetoric and dogma to learn why you should eat raw foods, and teach how to avoid the common mistakes of many raw foodists. He will also share with you information on how to make your personal raw food program even more effective. Dr. Dina feels it is wise to be grateful to those who came before us and the information they brought forth; however, he feels it is time for a new era of raw foodism that goes beyond the teachings of the past and can exalt you to a new level of health. It is time for an era of raw foods based on science and open minded observations... an era of biology, not philosophy. Time permitting, topics covered include why Vegan, why whole foods, the tremendous benefits of raw foods, food combining, enzyme inhibitors, fruitarianism, blood sugar balance, different blood/body/metabolic types and how they relate to raw foods, how to be raw for life, protein sufficiency and toxicity, calories (too much or too few), dietary fat, teeth, osteoporosis, nuts and seeds, colon cleansing, vitamin B-12, nutritional supplements, viruses/bacteria/fungi/candida/parasites. and fasting vs. juicing.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about Dr Jamey Dina & Dr Kim Sproul.

roselee.jpg (13576 bytes) Rose Lee Calabro:

Author of the popular raw food recipe book "Living in the Raw"


"7 Steps to Healing the Body" Rose Lee will explore her journey of healing and explain the steps necessary to healing any ailment and attaining radiant health.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about Rose Lee Calabro.

nazz.jpg (11012 bytes) Rev. Abba Nazariah:

Nazariah is one of our Prominently Featured Speakers!


"Essene Raw Food Fruitarianism of Jesus" Ancient Essene Manuscripts reveal that Jesus was not only a vegetarian but also a raw foodist. This session will explore Jesus' use of raw foods, fasting, sun, air, and water to heal the sick. Nazariah will describe how we can implement this approach in our lives to experience well-being. Breatharianism and immortality will be discussed. This talk is nonsectarian and not at all "preachy".

Presenter information:

Nazariah is a spiritual leader in the Essene community. He serves as the world-wide head of the Essene Church of Christ, the only church to advocate that its members adopt a raw food vegetarian diet.

Nazariah emphasizes the connection between raw food and spirituality. A raw food diet increases one's clarity. It leads to mental and emotional equilibrium, which in turn permits a person to go deeper into meditation.

Nazariah is the Grand Master of Essene Reiki and the Melkizadek (High Priest) of the Essene Mystery School of Mount Carmel and Alexandria in Exile. Based in Eugene, Oregon, he recently opened congregations in San Francisco and Santa Cruz, California. He also has a congregation in Portland, Oregon.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about Abba Nazariah. 

John.jpg (4844 bytes) John Kohler:

Creator of the world's largest Raw & Living Foods Website!


"Juice, Juicing, and Juicers" Sharing his life experience with juicing and raw foods, explaining why juicing can be beneficial in today's world, and giving a demonstration and talking about various juicers on the market today.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about John Kohler.

RawMa2.jpeg (1288216 bytes) RawMa:

Editor of "RawMa's Organic & Living Foods Resources!"


"Practical Skills for Living Raw" You deserve to be peacefully comfortable in your miraculous, self-healing body, Inspiring those around you with your vibrant energy. RawMa's shortcuts & success tips, gathered during nearly five years of living raw, will shotgun you forward in your easy adaptation to a raw lifestyle. In a mere 2 hours, learn the simple and practical ways of sprouting nuts and seeds, how (and why) to use food combining guidelines, and why organic foods are your cost-effective health insurance. Join RawMa for a fun, fast, enlightening tour of basic information you can take home and use immediately!

Presenter information:

Entertaining and vastly knowledgeable, world-renowned living foods educator RawMa has lectured for years at the Optimum Health Institute, at retreats and Workshops, and in schools. She is the founder of raw foods support groups, and wild edibles walks. She is a hot salsa dancer, and a mom.

Click here to learn more about RawMa.  

habib.jpg (5044 bytes) Kris Pletschke:


"Life-force and Living Foods" "Life begets life, death begets death." Become familiar with the importance of living enzymes within the food you eat. Recognize how frequency (MHz) reflects the life force and potency of foods and bodily states. Understand when the pH of foods and cellular tissues become obvious indicators of Vitality and/or 'dis-ease' that can result. The integrity of your food and cellular tissue is directly proportionate to the integrity of your 'Heath Potential.' These are fundamental Truths all people can benefit from immediately.

Presenter information:

Kris is a Jensen certified Iridologist, Clinical Nutritionist, Wholistic Healer, Raw Foods Educator and Spiritual facilitator. In the field of Holistic health since 1993, he is an experienced professional who educates from a common sense approach, based on physiological Truths, wellness benefits and gentle transition processes toward the Raw & Living foods lifestyle. Author of upcoming book entitled Living Health and website rawhealth.net. Kris promotes higher consciousness and vitality through articles, classes, lectures, products and gatherings in Portland, Oregon.

  Habib Bailey:

President, Festival of Raw & Living Foods Association. Living Foods Lifestyle Coach & Natural Hygiene Self-Health Care Educator, Massage therapist, Aromatherapist.


"The Light Body Diet: Nutrition for Ascension" A diet of Raw, Living Foods is deeply supportive of the Inner Life, and in this context, can trigger spontaneous transcendent experiences, for the person who is already seeking the Divine. Habib will relate his own experience of the relationship between Spiritual Seeking, and Living Foods. Subtle, resonant energy is the medium through which we perceive what is beyond both our physical & our subtle bodies. Subtle resonance is the key to awakening what the ancient Essenes called the Feeling Body, and the Feeling Body is the gateway to all spiritual perception. Living Foods refine our ability to enter this Feeling Body, opening a whole new world of spiritual perception to us. Living Foods are the lost key to The Garden, or Edenic Consciousness.

Click here to learn more about the Habib Bailey

mikeso.jpg (5590 bytes) Mike White, "the Breathing Coach": Mike is a somatic educator using the breath as a focal point for stress management, emotional balance, self expression, and personal power. An ordained minister, he has combined key elements of Hatha, Tibetan and Kundalini Yogas, Pranayama, Chi Kung, Massage, physical therapy, meditations, Tai Chi, Karate, Reichian Therapy, Radiance Breathwork™, Rebirthing™, Meditation, Operatic and Public Speaking training, and nutrition. Now living in North Carolina, he is a founding member of Association Of Humanistic Psychology Somatics Community Steering committee, a member of the Health Medicine Forum of Walnut Creek. He delivers lectures and workshops worldwide and uses his Breathing Manual and recorded breathing exercise cassettes to support his work. Articles published by him have appeared in Massage Magazine, Women's Sports and Fitness, Boardroom Reports and others. He also manages the www.breathing.com website.

*Learn to breathe RIGHT: "Breath is life" is an ancient axiom repeated over and over for thousands of years. If this is even partly true don't you think you should know more about how breathing is relevant to your life? At this lecture demonstration you will Learn why HOW you breathe is SO important to health and longevity. Plus you will experience several simple breathing tests to help you gauge your breathing strength and volume.

“Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health” – Andrew Weil, M.D.

levine.jpg (17997 bytes) Larry Levine:

Founder of the South Bay Living Food Community. Founder of the Institute for Vibrant Living.


Larry will give 2 presentations:

(1) Friday evening, he will give an inspiring, passionate talk, which will have you on the edge of your seats:

"Now is the time" Be a part of history as we proclaim the existence of a National Raw & Living Foods Movement! Gain insight into the role of raw & living food in the creation of self-sufficiency, abundance, and freedom for people around the world! Gaze into the future as we present a vision - where this movement is going, and the impact it will have in the next decade and beyond!

(2) On Saturday, he will give the following presentation:

Innate Intelligence: Source of Our Well-Being (Sunday session)

Every living creature is endowed with a vast, innate intelligence. This intelligence transcends comprehension by our conscious intellect. It guides us toward health, well-being, and vibrant living to the extent we rely upon it.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about Larry Levine

berry.jpg (4687 bytes) Professor Rynn Berry:


"Historical Overview of Vegetarian Raw Foodism: from Ancient Times to the Present" Raw food support groups are springing up all over the country. While some suggest that raw foodism is just another fad diet, could it be a lifestyle that goes back to the Stone Age? This exciting lecture explores the ancient historical roots of the raw foods diet.

Presenter information:

Rynn Berry is the author of "The New Vegetarians", "Famous Vegetarians", and "Food for the Gods", is the historical advisor to the North American Vegetarian Society. His lectures, articles & books focus on the study of vegetarianism from both historical and religious perspectives.

Click here to learn more about Rynn Berry

callas.jpg (45196 bytes) Dr. John N. Kallas, PhD:


"Wild Gourmet Garden Vegetables" Tired of pulling garden weeds? -- Get revenge -- eat them! Wild gourmet garden vegetables are those edible weeds that grow in nearly everybody's vegetable garden. You turn over the soil and weeds grow - it's a natural process. Most people pull and throw them wastefully into the compost. Instead, with no more work, harvest them and bring them into the kitchen. These are not ugly tasting foods - these are delicate, flavorful, foods that people can eat fresh. In this slide presentation, learn which raw wild vegetables are easy to identify, fun to gather, nutritious, and delicious to eat. Examples we might cover include wild spinach, wild mustard, sheep sorrel, oxalis, purslane, amaranth, chickweed, and more. The salads you can make are only limited by your imagination.

Presenter information: John has a Doctorate in nutrition, a Masters in education, and degrees in biology, psychology, and zoology. He's a trained botanist, nature photographer, writer, researcher, and teacher. John has researched edible wild plants since 1970 and taught in colleges, universities, and to the general public since 1978. He started Wild Food Adventures in 1993, the Wild Food Adventurer newsletter in 1996, and published the Wild Food Primer in 1999.

Click here to learn more about Dr. John N. Kallas, PhD

nomi.jpg (9576 bytes) Nomi Shannon:


"A recipe to Save Your Life" Come Enjoy Nomi Shannon's sharp wit and gentle wisdom as she answers your questions about all aspects of the living food lifestyle. Get practical down to earth advice as Nomi shows you how to make several fabulous recipes-a pate that you can enjoy in dozens of ways and that will keep in your refrigerator for a long time, and the incredible raw pasta that is sweeping the country-complete with sauce. See-Taste-Ask-Hear The Raw Gourmet in a rare Northwest appearance!

Presenter information:

A well-known proponent of natural health and healing, Nomi Shannon is an author, a raw-foods chef and a certified Hippocrates Health Educator. As a living foods lifestyle coach, she provides counseling, classes and consultation services for individuals and groups the world over who wish to improve their health--one bite at a time. Nomi's book "The Raw Gourmet" is one of the premiere raw recipe books in the world.

Click here to learn more about Nomi Shannon

nison.jpg (33783 bytes) Paul Nison:


"How To Successfully Eat A Raw Food Diet and Achieve a total raw life style"

Presenter information: Paul Nison is known as "The Durian King". He is an expert on the health benefits of tropical fruits. He is the author of the forthcoming book: "The Raw Life: Becoming Natural in an Unnatural World."

Click here to read testimonials about Paul Nison, and his book "The Raw Life".

cherieportrait3.jpg (432989 bytes) Cherie Soria:


"Say Cheese!" You'll smile when you taste these raw Vegan cheeses! Learn how easy it is to make cultured cheeses such as cream cheese, ricotta, feta, and even parmesan in this delightful and enlightening demonstration. Don't miss this opportunity to see why Cherie Soria is considered one of the best raw food chefs in the world!

Presenter information:

Cherie Soria is the Director of Living Light Culinary Arts Institute and Author of "Angel Foods: Healthy Recipes for Heavenly Bodies". Cherie has been teaching gourmet vegetarian cuisine for more than 25 years. She studied the principles of healing with living foods with Dr. Ann Wigmore, and has combined these principles with her own gourmet cuisine to create delicious, rejuvenating, raw living foods.

Click here to learn more about Cherie Soria

dinarick.jpg (3021 bytes) Dr. Rick Dina, DC:


"Light Eating and Longevity; Cellular Aging Theories" In this presentation, Dr. Dina discusses the scientific basis of how eating lightly (such as a raw plant food diet) extends the lifespan of all species, as well as discussing current theories of aging in the scientific community that actually support much of what natural hygienists and raw foodists teach and practice. Includes practical tips that raw foodists can use to fine tune and get the most out of their raw food diet.

Presenter information:

Dr. Dina has been a primarily raw food vegan for the past 13 years. He has a strong foundation in Natural Hygiene, as well as working with the Hippocrates approach to raw food. He has worked at both the Hippocrates Health Institute and for the Juiceman Company. Dr. Dina has been in practice at the Center for Conservative Therapy, a Natural Hygiene fasting facility in Northern California, for the past 2 1/2 years, as well as in private Chiropractic practice. His motivational and balanced view of diet and health blends the best of raw food philosophy with scientific basis and actual clinical experience.

Click here to learn more about Dr Rick Dina, DC

  Dr. John Checkal, DC:

Author of "Raw Attitude Workbook: Un-Cooking Your Life" Medical advisor to the Festival of Raw & Living Foods Association

& Linda Fromm:

"Intention Master" Outside advisor to the Festival of Raw & Living Foods Association


"Road Map To A Raw Attitude" Dr. John Checkal, author of "Raw Attitude Workbook" & Linda Fromm, Intention Master, will show you how to move from where you are now, into a Living Foods Lifestyle. A few of the topics that will be included are: what will my friends say? What can I expect to feel like? What do our bodies need? Getting to the basics, leading others to raw foods and dining out. Come & prepare a step-by-step plan for yourself to move into where you want to go. Learn how to use foods as your "medicine" as you tailor-make a roadmap that fits you & your life.

victoria jayne.jpg (615983 bytes) Victoria Jayne:


"Living Lifestyle: Living Foods and Beyond!"

To live from inspiration is to discover who you truly are--a spark of the Divine in a human experience--a vibrational entity responding to and impacting on all creation. To understand that you are the creator of your life through your millions of choices which are made everyday is to know yourself and to be empowered. Everything you have in your life right now you have asked for, you have chosen. Food is vibration before it is cooked and killed. Thoughts are vibration. It is the compilation of millions of thoughts, experiences and decisions that make up a belief system about ones self and the world. The belief system motors the bus you are riding. A living lifestyle supports becoming awake and consciously releasing limiting beliefs.

Presenter information:

Victoria Jayne, L.C.S.W., Director, Center for Conscious Living is a psychotherapist who has been in private practice for the past twenty years. She has trained with Dr. Gabriel Cousens for the past ten years. She is an Ordained Essene Minister, a Reiki Master, Instructor of Living Foods Lifestyles and conducts supervised residential juice fasts. For powerful change work and release of limiting beliefs, Ms. Jayne has combined juice fasting with psychotherapy. She is a homeschooled mom who raised and educated her children to continue to live from their own inspiration and creative flow.

"You cannot eat your way to God" - Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become!" - Buddha

baker.jpg (49371 bytes) Art Baker:


“The Ten Commandments of Health: Natural Laws for Your Body/Mind & Soul” The Ten Commandments of Health---Natural Laws For Your Body, Mind and Soul is the title of Art's next book. The book provides an owners manual for outlining the essentials to create and sustain wellness without reliance on drugs, medicinal herbs, nurtritional supplements, nor healing / cleansing therapies of any kind. Each Commandment of Health is accompanied by a scientific natural law principle from physiology, anatomy and biochemistry (and in the case of mind and soul, a guiding principle of how the dynamics of awareness functions). The book and seminar addresses:

1. How to scientifically determine our natural plant-based diet and the importance of feeding our body what it is designed for

2. The importance of food combining and not violating the natural limitations of our digestive chemistry, for those 6 billion earthlings who still eat cooked foods

3. How to reverse and prevent diseases of aging with an alkaline fresh produce diet, and understanding the harm of creating an acidic condition in the body

4. How the Raw Food Clean-burning Diet strengthens the immune system: understanding the nuts and bolts of how heat destroys nutrients, thereby adding toxins to the body

5. How to keep your mind and body energized and free of fatigue: glucose from raw foods and rest are the only true sustaining energy sources

6. Never suppress healing symptoms with drugs, herbs, or alternative medicines: cooperate rather than hinder the self-healing tendencies of your body

7. How to get well when sick through deep physical, emotional, and mental rest and abstainence from food: nature heals through energy conservation, energy redistribution, and body detoxification

8. Engaging the mind and body in pleasurable vigorous endeavors: the importance of toning your body, and fine tuning your mind.

9. Sharing thy heart: emotional wellness and intimacy

10. Spiritual Fitness: Happiness is an inside job---lovingly care for thy body and mind as the temple of thy soul. Living consciously from your essence, and forever freeing yourself from depression with the aid of a raw food diet.

Presenter Information: 

Click here to learn more about Art Baker

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(Eliot Rosen, with the Dalai Lama)
Eliot Jay Rosen:

Eliot Jay Rosen, is the Los Angeles Times best-selling author of the book, "Experiencing the Soul-Before Birth, During Life, After Death". In 1999, Mr. Rosen gave presentations in Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe. He is a 24-year Raw foodist!

Eliot is one of our Prominently Featured Speakers!


Eliot will talk on…."Ways to Increase Spiritual Receptivity" He will also show film excerpts from his private interviews with such luminaries as the Dalai Lama, Ram Dass, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and others.

Presenter information:

Click here to learn more about Eliot Jay Rosen.

arlins.jpg (58962 bytes) Stephen & Jolie Arlin:

Demonstrations, consultations, and book signings:

By Stephen & Jolie Arlin at the Nature's First Law booth. Stephen is co-author of Nature's First Law, and author of "Raw Power" the world's only book on truly natural bodybuilding from the Raw Food Perspective!

Click here to learn more about the Stephen Arlin

  Victoria Boutenko:

Victoria is the Head Chef at the Springs Garden Café in Ashland Oregon, where she serves up the gourmet raw cuisine she is fast becoming famous for!


"The Law of Vital Accommodation" Victoria will lecture on this most crucial principle, from the 16 Natural, Physiological Laws of Natural Hygiene. Victoria is a warm, accessible, and inspiring person. For those of you who don't yet know her, you're in for a treat! Her classes are usually packed!

trader.jpg (7682 bytes) Dr. Timothy Trader

"How to succeed with your raw food lifestyle" Once you've decided to try a raw food lifestyle, you'll quickly start seeing improvements in your health and well-being. Relief from symptoms and physical discomfort, weight-loss, mental clarity, and a developing attunement to your body's needs and messages are just a few of the benefits you'll experience.

Along with the obvious benefits, almost everyone who has adopted a raw food regime experiences difficulties as they struggle with breaking a lifetime of personal habits and social conditioning.

Here are just a few common issues Dr. Trader's lecture will address concerning the fight to stay raw:

* How can I control (and eliminate) my cravings for foods I know I shouldn't eat? * What do I eat, meal after meal, day after day, without getting bored with raw foods? * How can I continue to socialize with my friends, family, and co-workers, without being made to feel defensive, embarrassed, or deprived of a good time?

The raw food diet isn't one of struggle, boredom, or sacrifice. Dr. Trader will answer all these questions and address other issues related to maintaining a raw food diet over the long term. He'll show you why most of the problems can be solved by simple common sense and how-once you've establish a natural rapport with your body-the raw food lifestyle will become easier and easier.

Presenter information:
Click here to learn more about Tim Trader.

rama.jpg (12330 bytes) Rama Benjamin Marantz, CMT, will
be presenting now, along with his partner
Mara Smith

Rama Benjamin Marantz, CMT, Acro~SageTM Inversion Therapist. After 20 years as a professional acrobat and circus clown Rama created the Acro-Sage TM technique, a unique inversion therapy combining partner yoga, massage & inverted postures. The technique is easy to learn. Rama will lead this 2-hour introductory class to teach you the basic Acrosage technique. For those who are interested in going further, Rama will be offering a full day workshop on Monday May 22, from 10 AM to 5 PM here in Portland, Oregon. If you are interested in taking part in this "feets-on" workshop, the cost is $100. To register, and for other information on the class, please contact Habib Bailey by email (rawimmortal@uswest.net) or by phone (503-256-8351). The class will be limited to 20 students.

Rama has led seminars around the world training hundreds of students. Recently he was certified as an associate chef & instructor with the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, where he learned the tremendous health benefits of eating a live foods diet. Rama will intersperse his introductory Acro-sage class at the festival with teachings stemming from his own healing on Living Foods.

  Lama Somananda Tulku:

Qi Dao - Tibetan Shamanic Qigong and Raw Food Adventures in Wilderness

Lama Somananda Tulku will be leading us in Qigong exercises both Saturday and Sunday morning.

An old Tibetan proverb says: "Only when you are in the flow, will you experience the real power of spirit." Qi Dao, also known as Tibetan Shamanic Qigong, teaches us to receive everything life throws our way, be it a relationship, environmental, or health issue, as a lesson that should be taken and learned. Operating on the intuitive level, Qi Dao helps us to transform the very source of our somatic and psychosomatic issues in order to solve them.

The teaching of Qi Dao emphasizes the harmonious development of our personality, which affects our relationship with ourselves and the world around us. This far-reaching holistic tradition not only addresses our issues on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels, but also balances all these levels. It offers us profound experiences in meditation and visualization, promoting deep peace and receptivity to inner guidance. By allowing whatever is natural in us to unfold spontaneously, Qi Dao facilitates peak performance as well as enhances creativity and intuition.

Tibetan Shamanic Qigong is an ancient holistic practice which helps to enhance intuitition, creativity, emotional and mental clarity. It energetically supports spiritual awakening and an enhanced sense of well-being. By setting ourselves free from old stereotypes and programmed patterns, Qi Dao empowers us to positively transform any obstacles that interfere with our natural ability to respond to the challenges of spiritual growth in our intimate relationships. As a result, we can enjoy more fully the abundance and happiness that life has to offer.

As the current holder of the lineage of Qi Dao, I have worked on empowering many professional speakers, actors, athletes and healers to open to the infinite source of intuition that exists in everyone. My rather diverse background is complex enough to include near-death experiences during the war in Afghanistan, ordination as a Tibetan lama and a black belt in Aikido. I have got over 20 years experience in internal styles of Kung-fu and the Shamanic Qigong that has been fostered within my family for 27 generations since 1224 AD.


Narda Narvaez:


"Lifefood Nutrition"
Narda Narvaez is a Trasformational Therapist enthusiastic about sharing her insights into helping improve health through Lifefood Nutrition and Nutritional Fasting. This method quickens the transition process
and brings about a true healing and rejuvenation. She will elucidate what happens physiologically in the detox process and with non-integral vs. Lifefood. Narda will offer some of her personal journey on this
path and her thoughts on being a clear channel and achieving our human potential. She will give her perspective on global and human health and offer potential solutions for a vibrant future.

About the Presenter:

Click here to learn more about Narda Narvaez

Note: As more details become known, titles and descriptions for each talk will be added to this site. Keep checking back for the exciting up-dates!

To order YOUR Spring Festival of Raw & Living Foods: Creating Vibrant Health tickets

Please click here.

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