Cousens, MD:
Cousens, M.D., founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona, is a
holistic medical doctor and spiritual facilitator who uses the modalities of
live-food nutrition, naturopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy
and acupuncture, blended with spiritual awareness, in the healing of body, mind and
spirit. A graduate of Columbia University Medical School, Dr. Cousens is a best-selling
author-- titles include: "Conscious Eating, Spiritual Nutrition and the
Rainbow Diet", "Sevenfold Peace, Tachyon
Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing" and "Depression-Free for Life".
The essential purpose of Gabriels work is to help awaken the Kundalini, the feminine
face of God, in as many people as possible to facilitate the return to the One.
Cousens is one of our Keynote Speaker!
Dr. Cousens is a best-selling author, titles
include "Conscious Eating, Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet",
"Sevenfold Peace, Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing",
co-authored with David Wagner, the creator of the Tachyon process, and soon-to-be-released
"Depression-Free for Life". As an
author, healer and spiritual facilitator, Dr. Cousens presents seminars throughout the
United States, Canada and Europe on many topics including: health and nutrition,
psycho-spiritual healing, meditation and spiritual awareness. He is a frequent guest on popular radio talk shows
and has published numerous articles in health journals and popular magazines in the areas
of biochemistry, school health, clinical pharmacology, hypoglycemia and Alzheimers
A cum laude graduate of Amherst College, where
he was captain of an undefeated football team, Dr. Cousens was selected as an All New
England lineman and one of eleven National Scholar Athletes inducted into the National
Football Hall of Fame. He received his M.D.
degree from Columbia Medical School in 1969 and completed his psychiatry residency in
Dr. Cousens was the Chief Mental Health
Consultant for the Sonoma County Operation Head Start and a consultant for the California
State Department of Mental Health. He is
listed in the Whos Who in California, Whos Who Among Top Executives,
Strathmores Whos Who and National Registers Whos Who and is a
former member of the Board of Trustees of the American Holistic Medical Association
Dr. Cousens currently consults with clients at
the Tree of Life Center to create individualized programs for vibrant wellness. He is the worlds foremost physician
promoting live-food nutrition for physical health and spiritual growth. He is a leading researcher and practitioner in the
field of rejuvenation, specializing in the healing of many chronic degenerative diseases
including: depression, the addictive brain, chronic fatigue, candida,
hypoglycemia, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis.
Dr. Cousens supports clients in integrating a holistic lifestyle that
includes an individualized optimal health diet, exercise, meditation and nutritional and
medicinal supplements. He also
facilitates numerous self-healing programs at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center that
empower participants to take transformational responsibility for their healing and
awakened living.
and Humanitarian Biography
Cousens spiritual opening began when he was in pre-adolescence. At that time he had visions of the White
Brotherhood also known as the Essene elders or the Melchezidek Order. By the early seventies he was teaching meditation,
eating a vegetarian diet, and had begun to study Kabbalah, the Essene way, yoga and
1975 Gabriel met his first major spiritual teacher, Swami Muktananda Paramahansa of the
Sidda Yoga lineage. He received an intense Shaktipat initiation from Swami Muktananda and experienced a profound
Kundalini awakening. In this spaceless space,
a small voice instructed, Learn to eat and live in a way that supports the Kundalini
energy. Based on this divine directive,
Gabriel accepted the opportunity to work with thousands
of people in the search for the most powerful diet to enhance the awakening and flow of
the Kundalini (the inherent spiritualizing force that often lies dormant, but upon
awakening, divinely transforms consciousness). Spiritual
Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet is the fruition of that work, revealing that a live-food
diet greatly enhances spiritual life and the potential for awakening of the Kundalini and
maintaining its active flow. Conscious
Eating is the detailed explanation of how to manifest this diet and lifestyle.
During the seven years that Gabriel spent with
Muktananda, he had the opportunity to work under Muktanandas direct supervision in
helping people who had become unbalanced with their Kundalini energy, as well as teaching
meditation on behalf of Muktananda. He also
received blessings to transmit the Kundalini energy through Shaktipat meditation to assist
in the awakening of others. Because of his own experience and extensive training, in 1975,
he established the first Kundalini crisis clinic in the United States with Lee Sannella,
While with Muktananda, Gabriel met Swami
Prakashananda Saraswati, the first person Muktananda declared as a liberated being. Gabriel had a powerful connection with
Prakashananda who was a great devotee of the Divine Mother.
He initiated Gabriel into this way. It
is now manifesting in Gabriels love for the Shekhina energy (feminine face of God)
in all of creation and his core work of elevating the Shekhina energy in every aspect of
life. In 1981, Prakashananda declared to
Gabriel, Baba has given you everything and you have realized the innate perfection. A few weeks later, Gabriel told Swami Muktananda
that he had received the realization for which he had come.
Gabriel received full blessing for leaving as an acknowledgement of his liberation.
After returning to the U.S. in 1981,
Gabriel did a forty-day fast that further deepened his state of awareness. After this fast, he began to reconnect with the
Essene Way as an archtypical vehicle for the full extent of his teachings. In 1985 he co-founded the Peace 21 meditation
group in Sonoma County, CA. Since then he
has led peace meditations around the world and has established a Peace 21 meditation at
the United Nations for each equinox and solstice. In
the late 80s he became an Essene Minister and Reiki Master. In 1992, Gabriel founded the Essene Order of
Light, a non-profit humanitarian service and educational organization actively dedicated
to the healing and transformation of the planet through training world peace workers,
establishing holistic orphanages and garden-centered schools in developing nations,
feeding the hungry children of the world with the aid of agricultural technologies being
developed at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, and a natural healing program for
Native Americans with diabetes. This
humanitarian work is an essential part of his practice and teaching for the healing and
transformation of the planet on all levels.
On the last day of a 21-day water fast in 1994,
Gabriel experienced a 12-hour-long initiation into the Tetragammaton, the holy name of God
beyond time, space and gender. During these
12 hours, the four principles of the Modern Essene Way were given to him. These four principles have been accepted by all
the Essene groups in the U.S., creating a common understanding between the various groups
Gabriel has now been living and teaching the
Essene Way and Kundalini awakening for over 25 years.
He has taught meditation in spiritual centers, university settings,
hospitals, mental health centers, hospices and suicide prevention centers throughout
almost every state in the U.S., in Western and Eastern Europe, South Africa, Central
America and India.
As director of the Tree of Life
Rejuvenation Center, Dr. Cousens is teaching and inspiring people to live the Sevenfold
Peace in every step of their healing process and life to create peace for themselves and
the world. Gabriels teachings are
inspired from the essence of his in-depth, direct experience of the Kabbalah, shamanic
Judaism, the Essene Way, yoga and the Native American way as a Sundancer. He creates a
weave of inspiring experiences through Shaktipat (Ruah Hakodesh) meditation, spiritual
fasts, sweat lodges, stories from many traditions and The Lovers Electron Diet
and Way of Life which includes yoga, pranayama, environmentally aware living,
organic, vegetarian, Kosher, live-food diet, and a variety of self-healing workshops to
inspire people to realize the natural joy of sacred living and to dance in the freedom of
the Self.
The meaning of Gabriels work goes beyond
the limitations of any religious or spiritual paradigm.
It is to awaken the Kundalini (Ruach Hakodesh) in as many people as
possible, which brings the healing of the male and female energies on the planet in the
process of returning to the One. It is his
joy to inspire people to get naked with the Divine and join the cosmic dance.
Douglas Graham:
raw food athletic trainer to stars & Olympic athletes!
Dr. Graham is our Showcase Master of Ceremonies & a
Festival Presenter!
Graham will give us two presentations, and will be a participant in several panel
discussions, & is available
to answer questions from festival attendees.
Presenter information:
Click here to learn more about Dr Douglas Graham. (link to following text, in red)
Dr. Graham received his undergraduate degree in
physical education from
Montclair State University & his doctorate
from Life Chiropractic College.
As a college gymnast, he also coached the
springboard diving team. A
national level competitor himself, Dr. Graham
went on to train a trampoline
team. After only three years under his tutelage,
all seven members of the
team won age group National Championships.
Dr. Graham has trained professional athletes
from many fields, including
tennis legend Martina Navratilova and NBA pro
basketball player Ronnie
Grandison. He has advised Olympic athletes from
four continents in a wide
variety of sports. Model Stephanie Karandis and
actress Demi Moore have
sought his services as a health coach.
His unique viewpoints on training and nutrition
have resulted in the creation
of The High Energy Diet video and
companion recipe guide and a nutrition
chart of the same name. He has also produces an
audiocassette series
titled, The Cause of Health. Dr.
Graham is the author of Nutrition and
Athletic Performance, Grain Damage,
and The Perpetual Health
Dr. Graham is a highly sought-after speaker and
has presented for
numerous organizations including the American
Natural Hygiene Society,
North American Vegetarian Society, American
Vegan Society, EarthSave
Seattle, American Fruitarian Society, and
British Natural Hygiene Society.
He has written articles on sports nutrition for
dozens of magazines and
professional journals and currently serves as a
nutrition advisor to the
magazine Exercise for Men Only.
In private practice as a chiropractor in
Marathon, Florida, Dr. Graham
consults with athletes and trainers from around
the world. He has served on
the Board of Governors of the International
Association of Professional
Natural Hygienists, the Board of Directors of the American Natural Hygiene
Society, and is currently serving as a founding
member of the International
Association of Natural Hygiene Counselors.
The worlds foremost promoter of the raw food diet!
David is one of our
Prominently Featured Speakers!
of "Nature's First Law" & author of Sunfood Diet Success System"!
David is the worlds foremost promoter of the raw food diet! He came to Portland recently, on his Sunfood Tour,
to give us a 2-day seminar. The knowledge he presented has had a profoundly positive
impact on local peoples success with the raw food diet
with David, you know youll
be getting information you cant hear anywhere else!
Presenter information:
Click here to learn more about David Wolfe. (link
to following text, in red)
David Wolfe -- Foremost Promoter of the Raw Food
"Health and Success Through the Sunfood
David Wolfe is one of the most sought after
success and health speakers in the world today. David is considered by peers to be the
worlds leading authority on raw food nutrition. In his books, seminars, and at his
retreats, David shows you how to use raw plant foods, right lifestyle, and positive
thinking to become healthy, wealthy, and to achieve your full potential. His message is
about healing through massive prosperity at
all levels.
David is the author of The Sunfood Diet Success
System, the premier book on the
subject of living foods. He has also co-authored
Natures First Law: The Raw Food Diet. He is the co-founder of Natures First
Law, the worlds premier source of living-food recipe books, raw philosophy books,
juicers, and raw organic plant foods.
David Wolfe operates healing and detoxification
retreats in various locations around the world including the historic Eden Hot Springs
Ranch in Arizona. Currently, David travels
and conducts success seminars and lectures worldwide.
He regularly appears on radio and television shows around the world.
Whether you choose to be a vegetarian or a vegan
or simply wish to succeed with another
organic diet, David Wolfes message will
help you to live with more abundance and enjoyment. David will give you the keys to the
success diet that can take you into
the realms of paradise health!
"The philosophy and teachings of The Sunfood Diet Success
System are terrific. The foundational law is the key understanding of the book: "one
thing does lead to another." David Wolfe, in a beautifully authentic way, plants the
awareness of the power of a live-food diet and healthy thinking that is transforming to
each individual and to the very planet itself."
Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of "Conscious Eating"
"This breakthrough book The Sunfood Diet
Success System not only demonstrates a profound understanding of Natures physical
laws of health-building, but also masterfully integrates the under-recognized
motivational, mental, and emotional components needed to create overall success in life. A
unique contribution to the field and I highly recommend it to all success seekers."
Kulvinskas M.S., author of "Survival Into The 21st Century"