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Are you looking forward to the next International Festival of Raw & Living Foods? Do you love getting a new raw foods book by a new author? Seeing a new raw foods restaurant open in your area? Do you want to see an International Raw Foods Association auxiliary group start in your town?

Have you heard rumors about some of the things that will be happening at the International Festival this year? Have you heard who will be coming out soon with new books? Do you know what your life will be like after experiencing this year’s networking with rawfoodists from around the world?

Have you heard that we're really pulling out all the stops this year, and organizing an event for you that is unlike any other raw foods conference that you have ever attended?

Well, I hate to break it to you this way, but....

THE RUMORS ARE TRUE!!! Again, we have planned SO MUCH for you, that WE WONDERED HOW WE COULD PULL IT ALL OFF! But then we remembered that that was what we thought last year & the year before too:

Those of you who came last year know that it TURNED OUT PERFECTLY!

Even some of our presenters, before they arrived, wondered if we could really do all we had planned last year! But last year’s presenters were such nice people that they took a chance on us anyway. They saw that we were sincere in wanting to offer a real value for people by producing a Festival that had vast amounts of quality information for an extremely small amount of admission. Some of them later admitted to us they didn't think we could do it, but they decided to support us anyway and agreed to come without pay and even paid their own travel costs. And when the event exceeded beyond everyone's expectations, they were excited for us and glad to be there having so much fun with all of you! 

We believe that the time for

The International Raw Foods Movement

to go mainstream is NOW!

You and I are doing things right now to support changes in the way the people on this planet eat. We are eating low on the food chain. We are eating raw. We are eating vegan/vegetarian. We are eating organic. We are eating foods that don't support destruction of our environment. We're raising our voices and our intentions to show the world that we stand for VIBRANT HEALTH, SUSTAINABLE LIVING, AND COMPASSIONATE ACTIVISM. You and I…we have the health knowledge that the world needs. And boy, do they need what we know!






Now, we would like to further invite you to participate in this awesome future building together with a great opportunity…An opportunity to come together in CREATIVE INTENTION to support each other in our quest for TRUE HEALING for Ourselves, All People, and All of Life on Earth. This brings us to our request to you for a deeper level of active participation in this collective vision:


1. I told you about how those great-hearted raw food authors, speakers & chefs took a chance on us and came to the festival last year & the year before at their own expense, because they believed in the sincerity & the possibility of our vision? Well, these people were the ones who made it possible for us to make this vision happen, in many amazing ways. Many who came last year are coming again, and they are still giving us the same level of loving support that gives us the opportunity to serve YOU. Even more presenters have signed on this year, and from what I've seen, they are showing the same level of dedication we are still receiving from our last year’s speakers. But, who they are really supporting is YOU. All will be coming to Portland, Oregon, often at great personal expense, to bring this transformative message to you, your friends, family, your community, and every one who will listen.

Not only is the International Raw & Living Foods Association taking a stand for the possibility of YOUR LIFE being transformed in amazing ways through this Festival/Conference...we’re also taking a stand for these selfless people who will be coming to serve your wellness & aliveness. Did you know that even among some of the top leaders in this movement, there is still occasional financial difficulties? (Just like you or me). Yes, that's right - we have some people who are totally committed to coming to Portland for each International Festival, to serve your aliveness, even though they don't currently have the all the personal resources needed to buy a plane/bus/train ticket to the event! (Many are arriving from great distances around the world)

  1. Remember, I asked you if you liked getting a new raw foods book by a new author? Do you know that there are numerous presenters, teachers, chefs & researchers in the International Raw Food Movement that have books ready to publish right NOW on our favorite subject but who need help funding the costs to do this? Not to mention those teachers & chefs who would travel to your area more often to teach classes if they had the financial means to go wherever they are requested?


  1.  Do you also remember I asked you whether you would like to see a new raw foods restaurant open in your area? How many of us would love to have more places to go out to dine on vegetarian/vegan raw foods or be able to order a catered dinner or lunch or have a weekly menu of dishes prepared for us ahead? All around the country there are wonderful raw foods chefs wanting to bring their dreams into fruitation to benefit all of our cravings for more variety & social interaction in our raw foods eating. Again, the biggest stumbling block is the lack of financial support.


  1. Do you want to see an International Raw Foods Association auxiliary group start in your town? What would it take to make this happen? Would there be up front costs for getting such a group organized & started? Where could this money come from?

The International Raw & Living Foods Association has decided to create a special fund to allow you the satisfaction of contributing to these types of projects, people & ideas: so presenters can be given plane tickets to come and give you all they've got, so those writing raw food related books can get published, raw friendly food service businesses get started & raw food communities formed & more! Because of this, we would like to ask you to share a greater level of commitment than just purchasing your own admission ticket….we would like to ask you to consider joining our newly formed support group for mentoring raw food related projects:


This fund was started & seeded by the Festival Steering Committee Chairpersons from their personal pockets, as the Friends of the Festival Fund, in 2001. We are still taking a stand for these types of raw projects, and we think that there are some of you out there who will want to take a stand for them also. Some of you may be feeling inspired by all that certain others go through to come and share with you their raw food knowledge & skills or inspired by their dreams or your own for a BRAVE RAW WORLD and you may be feeling generous...We would like to ask you to join us by sending in a tax deductible contribution to help support the types of projects mentioned which might need a little extra help in being able to afford to get started. Now that's dedication! That's an attitude of real service...

The way it works is this:

    1. If you would like to contribute to the airfare for presenters, you simply donate your surplus frequent flyer miles or write a check for any amount you care to donate.
    2. If you want to make a cash or expertise or goods/services contribution to any of the other categories, let the International Association know the details or just write a check for any amount you care to donate stipulating any special interests you might want it to go toward.

Make a note on your contribution earmarking it for the

Friends of the Association Fund.

Send it to the International Festival address listed below.

We, of course, wouldn’t divulge the individual identities of presenters whose airfare would be paid out of this fund, but we will be letting you know when all tickets have been purchased, ensuring travel for all of those who need this help so they can come and share with you their wisdom. We WILL let you know what books, restaurants, communities, etc. are mentored by this fund & any previews or specials you will receive because of your help to get them started. We'll also name you on our website, (unless you choose to remain anonymous), as a FRIEND OF THE ASSOCIATION.

Many thank you's in advance for those of you who choose to take this stand... and to those of you who wish you could, but just can't afford it, know that your helpful Intentions are also appreciated.

Please make any checks payable to the

International Raw & Living Foods Association

If you have questions or need more information about the next International Festival, just give us a call.


It is truly a pleasure to be part of such a visionary & caring group of people such as you.

Rawsome Raw-gards from the The Board & Executive Director of the

International Raw & Living Foods Association

8700 SW Borders, Portland, Oregon 97223

Phone: (503) 246-1684

Fax: (503) 293-0916

Email: RawFestival@aol.com

Url: http://www.rawfestival.com



Here is My “Friends” Donation !


Name:___________________________________    DONATION AMOUNT: ________


Address:_________________________________     Area of particular interest to me:


Phone: __________________________________    ____________________________


Email: __________________________________     Date: _______________________

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VOLUNTEERING apple.gif (944 bytes) PROGRAM SCHEDULE apple.gif (944 bytes) YOUTH PROGRAM apple.gif (944 bytes) SPEAKERS  
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Living and Raw Foods

The Living and Raw Foods