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Paul Nison:

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Lecture #1: THE RAW LIFE: How To acchive a 100% raw food lifestyle and enjoy yourself while doing it!!!!!

Lecture #2 RAW KNOWLEDGE: THE KEYS TO SUCCESS. Enhancing the powers of the miind, body and soul

Lecture #1 The same lecture you have already heard. I will give my background, I will talk about my book the rawlife and I will explain to people why it is so
important to make the change in stages. Not to move to fast and to have fun.
I will talk about the interviews in my book and the message I got from the poeple doing this along time. Newcomers and old timers will love this talk.

Lecture #2 WIll focuse more on my new book coming out this fall. The keys to success. I speake alittle about them in Lecture #1 but I break them down
even more in this lecture. I also get more into the mind, body and soul how it all works together.

Raw Foods Chef and Educator Paul Nison has been eating a raw food diet since he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis many years ago. With no other choice but surgery according to the medical
profession, Paul decided to stop eating all cooked foods. Today he is 100% cured of this so-called "incurable disease." Paul has been featured on The Food Network and in several magazines and
newspapers around the world. He leads a raw food support group in New York City and is featured on a raw food television show every week in New York City. He travels the world giving lectures on the
raw life and food prep classes to show people how easy and fun the raw life can be.

My Story by Paul Nison

Till I was 19 years old, I ate the Standard American Diet (SAD). Then I received my wake-up call. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Most people would consider this a tragedy. I
consider it one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Ulcerative colitis is not an easy illness to live with. The colon is achy and inflamed with ulcerations, sometimes with bleeding. It is accompanied by spasmodic and frequent bowel
movements. The typical poor diet, increased bowel movements, decreased assimilation of swallowed food, and drug therapies all add up to malnutrition and decreased vitality, not
to mention misery and a ruined life. I got colitis flare-ups about six times per year. Every time I went to the doctor, she told me to stay away from dairy foods until I felt better. Then she
increased the dosage of steroids she was giving me. When I felt better after a few weeks, she said it was okay to eat dairy foods again. I then ate foods that contained huge amounts
of dairy. Sometimes this would be a whole pizza pie. Then the flare-ups came back. I finally saw the pattern and cut out dairy products altogether. I was very pleased with the results. I
became sick less often. After that I began to eliminate whatever the doctors told me was okay to eat. Eggs, meat, and sugar to name just a few. I told my doctor I felt better without
these foods. She told me food had nothing to do with my condition. After hearing that from her, I knew I was on the right track.

At 23, I left my stressful job in the financial district in New York as an office manager for a big wall street company, and moved to West Palm Beach, Florida. I was still having colitis
flare-ups, but not as often or severe. By seemingly sheer coincidence, I moved near a place called The Hippocrates Health Institute. I would visit the institute often during my daily
walks around the neighborhood. At the institute, I learned about the raw-food lifestyle and about live foods. I immediately put myself on an 80% raw-food diet. What a difference it
made! I told my doctor in New York about my improvement and she said that raw foods were no good for my condition. Once again, I knew I was on the right track!

Feeling much better but not totally cured, when I was 25, I moved back to New York and resumed working the stressful job I left. In New York, I met many people who adopted a
raw-food diet. I began reading more books on the raw-food diet and lifestyle. In a bookstore in Manhattan I picked up a book by David Klein called, The Fruits of Healing-A story
about a Natural Healing of Ulcerative Colitis. It was exactly what I needed to read. I then heard David Wolfe of Nature's First Law speaking on a local radio show about the raw-food
diet. After speaking to Dave Klein and hearing Dave Wolfe on the radio, I decided to switch to a 100% raw-food diet. Nature's First Law is an organization dedicated to spreading
the word about the raw food movement. Dave is one of the authors of a book he and his co-authors wrote called The Raw Food Diet. After speaking to Dave Klein and hearing Dave
Wolfe on the radio, I decided to switch to a 100% raw-food diet. I also decided to join a raw-food support group. At that support group, I met raw fooders Matt Grace and Tom
Coviello, and later at a fantastic lecture she gave, I met Roe Gallo. The more I got involved with the raw-food lifestyle, the more positive my outlook became on life. Speaking to all of
these people and seeing what great health they enjoyed influenced me to enjoy a diet that consisted of mostly fruit. That was the final piece in my health puzzle.

Since going 100% raw, I have completely overcome ulcerative colitis. I feel better than ever and have become increasingly inspired about life. I quit my stressful job and began
working as a raw-food chef in a vegetarian restaurant. I organize raw-food potlucks every month. I have started a raw-food support group, and I give lectures on the raw-food lifestyle
to help others that have gotten their wake-up call.

I have recently been traveling the world to experience the pleasures of new cultures and exotic fruits. Since adopting the raw-food diet, I have gone through several "healing crises." I
am happy for these episodes of elimination, as they are clearly my body's way of cleaning, healing and rejuvenating. I know the raw-food diet is the best way for me to go.

Anyone can overcome any dis-ease or sickness the way I did. My book will help you accomplish that. I can only tell you about it, the rest is up to you. I encourage you to learn from my
experiences and other people's experiences. With a healthy mind, you can overcome anything.

-Paul Nison

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Living and Raw Foods

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