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Rose Lee Calabro:

Rose Lee is a teacher, healer, director of the Living Food Health Expo and
her love of food has led her to create hundreds of recipes and conduct
numerous food prep workshops. She is the author of Living in the Raw, a
collection of simple, and easy-to-prepare living food recipes.

Personal history:

Overweight from age seven, Rose Lee suffered through forty years of low
self-esteem. Over time, she contracted a list of health problems, including
high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism,
gout, hair and hearing loss, arthritis, difficulty concentrating, and early
signs of cancer.

In 1992, Rose Lee began seeing a nutritionist and began her journey back to
health. During the next four years, she lost considerable weight and made
gains in other areas.

Nevertheless, in 1996 she was diagnosed with candida and chronic fatigue.
The stress of her job and failing marriage weighed heavily upon her spirit,
and she realized that her life was no longer filled with joy.

Then, she met Gayle Marie Bradshaw, a colon hydrotherapist. During a series
of colonics, Gayle pointed her to a raw living food class taught by Pam

Rose Lee began attending Pam's raw living food classes and adopted a largely
raw living food diet. Almost immediately, weight began to melt off her body.
More important, she began to change in profounds way., she realized that she
would never be fat again. Rose Lee has lost 150 pounds. The conditions
mentioned above vanished, and she began to experience a new life filled with
joy and a new purpose for being on the planet.

She experienced a spiritual awakening, ended her marriage of 23 years, moved
to Santa Cruz, began a new career and created her book, Living in the Raw.
She now operates a small healing center, teaching others how to heal their
bodies and experience radiant health. Also, she teaches food prep classes,
distributes and markets her book, Living in the Raw, travels all over the
world talking about healing the body through living foods, and is the
director of the Living Food Health Expo in San Francisco.

She has manifested a whole new circle of living food friends, and her life
is filled with love and happiness, as she never experienced.

FAQapple.gif (944 bytes)REGISTRATION FORM apple.gif (944 bytes) LOCATION apple.gif (944 bytes) TRANSPORTATION apple.gif (944 bytes) FOOD apple.gif (944 bytes)ACCOMODATIONS    CHILDCARE apple.gif (944 bytes) GOURMET DINNER apple.gif (944 bytes) PRESENTER TOURS apple.gif (944 bytes) RAW AMBASSADORS
VOLUNTEERING apple.gif (944 bytes) PROGRAM SCHEDULE apple.gif (944 bytes) YOUTH PROGRAM apple.gif (944 bytes) SPEAKERS  
  ENTERTAINMENT apple.gif (944 bytes) PRESENTER PACKETS apple.gif (944 bytes) VENDOR INFO apple.gif (944 bytes) VENDOR REGISTRATION
AREA CHAIRS apple.gif (944 bytes) GOLDEN BRANCH AWARD apple.gif (944 bytes) PAST PICTURES apple.gif (944 bytes) FRIENDS OF RAW

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Living and Raw Foods

The Living and Raw Foods