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Art Baker:

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Art Baker has a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Science (Natural Law) and an M.A. in Education (Biology Teaching) from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa - a unique, fully accredited school whose
cirriculum focuses on the development of character and the systematic study of human awareness in conjunction with the arts and sciences.

Art is a natural health educator and seminar leader, and has presented dozens of workshops to the public and private sector including corporations such as Rockwell International. He is the former Dean of Students
at Fit for Life and the American College of Health Science, Life Science Institute in Austin Texas.

Art is the Founder of Self-Health Care Systems, a health education and consulting service. He has authored numerous publications, including the book Awakening Our Self-Healing Body, as well as the entire
cirriculum of the 12 course natural health education program titled Enjoy Long Life: Energetic, Youthful and Disease-Free.

Art recently moved to south Texas after having taught Fresh Produce Nutrition classes in Boulder, Colorado over the last year. He has been building two websites www.HealthCreation.net and
www.HealthEnlightenment.com and finishing two books: "Rawja Yoga" and "The Ten Commandments of Health."


Raja yoga is a sanskrit term meaning Royal yoga (yoga is conscious UNION with essence, with our Source). RAWJA YOGA is the Royal path of health (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). It is a path of
heartfulness over mindfulness for the body, mind and essence. Heartfulness means consciously abiding in inner peace, resicing consciously in our heart rather than our head, balancing heart and mind in
interpersonal and interimpersonal relationships.

Our physical body is on lease from our Creator. It is no more "ours" than the earth we walk on. It is our responsibility to care for it as a temple of communion that it is designed to be. This is most effectively done with
whole raw fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds that we are biologically adapted to.

Self-healing tendencies of the body and mind need to be cooperated with, and never stifled. Disease symptoms arise when body intelligence finds a need to eliminate accumulated toxins and has the energy available
to do so. Suppressing symptoms with drugs and alternatives including medicinal herbs and supplements provides mere illusion of palliation, which drives toxins back into the system by prematurely forcing the body
to abort it's self-purification efforts.

Mental and emotional toxins such as neurotic fears, attachment to depression, chronic sadness, anxieties, rage, anger, jealousy and addictions also need to be understood and consciously released into peace of
mind cultivated with meditation or prayer, otherwise they are likewise recycled through the system, rather than liberated.

The ego has both divine gifts to offer as it rests in its source while expressing as personality, or can be a miserable mental/ emotional prison if its content is followed as truth. Personality fixations develop as defense
mechanisms during childhood when parents and significant adults were unable to meet our need our need for love due to their own ignorant upbringing.

The knot of personal fixation unravels itself naturally through RAWJA yoga, when the raw food diet is combined with meditation AND understanding the ego, which stops us from acting unconciously in habitual ruts
and defense mechanisms that often rule behavior well past childhood through adulthood until death. Resting in silence is key. Raw food settles the nervous system to enhance this ability. An overly stimulated
nervous system overloaded with low quality nutrients from cooked, animal, or spicy foods excites the mind and undermines inner peace.

Understanding how the ego functions rounds out the picture by shining light on the darkness of ingrained habit patterns to allow us to live in emotional and mental freedom in alignment with the intellectual
understanding that most of us share from our various spiritual paths. The body, mind, emotions, intellect, personality and soul can then effortlessly reflect its source as peacefulness and grace under pressure that
living ensures.

This is an excerpt from another upcoming book by Art Baker called RAWJA YOGA.

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AREA CHAIRS apple.gif (944 bytes) GOLDEN BRANCH AWARD apple.gif (944 bytes) PAST PICTURES apple.gif (944 bytes) FRIENDS OF RAW

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Living and Raw Foods

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