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Doug Graham

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Dr. Graham received his undergraduate degree in physical education from
Montclair State University and his doctorate from Life Chiropractic College.
As a college gymnast, he also coached the springboard diving team. A
national level competitor himself, Dr. Graham went on to train a trampoline
team. After only three years under his tutelage, all seven members of the
team won age group National Championships.

Dr. Graham brings inspiration, energy, laughter, and vision to his coaching.
He has trained professional athletes from many fields, including tennis
legend Martina Navratilova and NBA pro basketball player Ronnie Grandison.
He has advised Olympic athletes from four continents in a wide variety of
sports. Models, actors, physicians, and people from all walks of life have
sought his services as health coach.

His unique viewpoints on training and nutrition have resulted in the creation
of The High Energy Diet video and companion recipe guide and a nutrition
chart of the same name. He has also produced an audio cassette series
titled, The Cause of Health. Dr. Graham is the author of Nutrition and
Athletic Performance, Grain Damage, and The Perpetual Health Calendar.

As a professional speaker since 1980, Dr. Graham has always sought to make a
point while making a friend. He congratulates people for what they have
achieved and motivates them to strive for more; to love, laugh, and learn in
the process. He is a highly sought-after speaker and has presented for
numerous organizations including the American Natural Hygiene Society, North
American Vegetarian Society, American Vegan Society, American Fruitarian
Society, and British Natural Hygiene Society. He has written articles on
sports nutrition for dozens of magazines and professional journals and
currently serves as a nutrition advisor to the magazine Exercise for Men Only.

In private practice as a chiropractor in Marathon, Florida, Dr. Graham
consults with athletes and trainers from around the world. He has served on
the Board of Governors of the International Association of Professional
Natural Hygienists and the Board of Directors of the American Natural Hygiene
Society. He is currently serving as President of Healthful Living
International and is on the Board of Advisors of EarthSave International,
Living Food Films, and Voice for a Viable Future.
website address: www.doctorgraham.cc

FAQapple.gif (944 bytes)REGISTRATION FORM apple.gif (944 bytes) LOCATION apple.gif (944 bytes) TRANSPORTATION apple.gif (944 bytes) FOOD apple.gif (944 bytes)ACCOMODATIONS    CHILDCARE apple.gif (944 bytes) GOURMET DINNER apple.gif (944 bytes) PRESENTER TOURS apple.gif (944 bytes) RAW AMBASSADORS
VOLUNTEERING apple.gif (944 bytes) PROGRAM SCHEDULE apple.gif (944 bytes) YOUTH PROGRAM apple.gif (944 bytes) SPEAKERS  
  ENTERTAINMENT apple.gif (944 bytes) PRESENTER PACKETS apple.gif (944 bytes) VENDOR INFO apple.gif (944 bytes) VENDOR REGISTRATION
AREA CHAIRS apple.gif (944 bytes) GOLDEN BRANCH AWARD apple.gif (944 bytes) PAST PICTURES apple.gif (944 bytes) FRIENDS OF RAW

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Living and Raw Foods

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