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Joe Alexander:

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Joe Alexander


- Born 1951 in Chicago
- Read Arnold Ehret in 1973, took up transition mucusless diet
immediately, went all-raw in 1976, have been very close to total
raw fooder ever since.
- Author of Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda
- Makes living as a sign painter, landscape & mural painter &
commercial artist.
- I consider that my most outstanding discovery in life is the value
of raw food diet in increasing the beauty, clarity and strength of
one's artwork.
- Currently living in Fayetteville, Arkansas, have been here since


"Joe Alexander's Handy-Dandy Low-Budget Comprehensive Self-
Help Program for Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Rejuvenation."


This talk is about my search for higher vitality, better health and
higher consciousness, with emphasis on 3 things that I have so
far found most valuable - raw food diet, Tibetan Rejuvenation Rites,
and Toning.

Here is Joe Alexander in his own words:

Hello to all you Web-Surfers out there who have landed your boats on this island! My name is Joe Alexander. I've been a raw-foodist since 1976. I got started when I read Prof. Arnold Ehret's Book:
"Mucusless Diet Healing System" in 1973. I immediately took up his "transition diet," which included cooked vegetables. After 3 years, I went all-raw. When I did that my energy shot up to a point past
anything I had imagined before was possible (It's remarkable how limited imagination is. You can't really imagine anything you haven't already experienced, and if it's not fresh in your memory, it's still difficult
to imagine.) and I felt a oneness with Nature such as, again, you can't imagine without experiencing. I'm convinced that raw food is the only natural and normal diet. Cooked-food eaters never know a single
day of real physical or mental health, and that's why we've got such a mess on our hands in this world now, after thousands of years of a 100% cooked-food poisoned population getting worse and worse.

All raw-food eaters seem to develop a strong interest in organic farming and gardening, and I'm no exception. I grow various sorts of fruits and vegetables. I make my living as an artist, commercial and fine
both. I do sign painting, calligraphy, portraits, landscapes, have done some book covers, and other forms of illustration. For me one of the best things about The Raw-Food Diet has been the improvement it
has caused in my artwork. As a raw-foodist, my colors are brighter and more beautiful; my drawing is clearer and better proportioned, my compositions lusher and more intricate. Before becoming a
raw-foodist, I was into surrealism, weird and bizarre stuff with barren landscapes, dull color, figures all misshapen and out of proportion. Now I know that that stuff was a projection of my own poor health.
You see a lot of weird, bizarre, grotesque, depressing, and ugly stuff in the arts today, and it's all just cooked-food poisoned, junk-food crazed people showing off how unbalanced and devitalized they are.
Since regaining my health, I've felt inspired to do paradisean landscapes with plenty of lush trees, flowers, birds, fish, etc. and healthy-proportioned people. Nature's creative forces strive to create a
paradisical world and the healthy artist feels motivated to do the same.

Besides The Raw-Food Diet, I'm interested in the whole subject of ascension; I've found various forms of yoga and other practices of spiritual science, of great value in healing and revitalizing myself. I've
gotten convinced that physical immortality is a real possibility and I want to see how much progress I can make in that direction. Some people say death is natural -- but so is the desire for immortality! So
how can you say that one is more legitimate than the other? I've personally had an especially huge problem with repressed emotional traumatic emotions, you know, those things that cause nervousness, guilt,
depression, and shyness. So I've put a great deal of effort into learning how to solve that one. I've gotten help from rebirthing, from re-evaluation counseling, Reichian-type work, Dianetics, dynamic
meditation a la Rajneesh, and Toning, among the various systems that have been developed to help people overcome this problem. Toning has been especially helpful I've developed some techniques similar
to Toning myself. I've found the greatest benefit from Toning and similar self-help methods, which anyone can learn in less than 5 minutes and do all they want for free; I've found this sort of simple self-help
approach to working on the problem far more effective than the expensive and complex forms of bodywork and regression therapy that require professional facilitation that I've tried. Anyone wanting to know
my methods should listen to my Audio Tape "The Raw-Food Diet, Orgonomy, & Immortality".

Another thing I've found very helpful in pursuit of ascension is The Tibetan Rejuvenation Rites. These are a series of 5 simple exercises that take less than 10 minutes a day to do. The story goes that they
were developed by Tibetan lamas to enable them to remain strong, vigorous, and active at ages well past 100 years. I began to feel a remarkable increase in my energy after doing them daily for 21 days, and
many other people have too. I have enclosed illustrations of them in my first Book entitled: "Blatant Raw-Foodist Propaganda" originally published as "Beyond Vegetarianism."

Also, as I had mentioned, I have recently recorded an Audio Tape entitled: "The Raw-Food Diet, Orgonomy, & Immortality" which contains my latest thinking on The Raw-Food Diet, Wilhelm Reich's
theory of Orgone energy, Toning, and the possibility of Physical Immortality, "the only cause worth dying for!" I am currently writing a semi-autobiographical Book: "New Age Perspectives On Art" which
discusses my entire theory of The Raw-Food Diet, releasing suppressed emotional energy, art, and Beauty. My new Book contains lots of my new artwork.

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Living and Raw Foods

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