Living and
Raw Foods Bookstore
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Related Books
Communication : A Language of Compassion
by Marshall B. Rosenberg
List Price $17.95 Your price $14.36 SAVE 20%Nonviolent
Communication is a simple process that facilitates the flow of communication necessary to
exchange information and resolve differences compassionately. It is based on identifying
universaly shared standards and needs. NVC can be practically applied in educational
institutions, business and industry, social service agencies and politically charged
situations, as well as family and personal relationships.
Nonviolent Communication encourages people to use
language that increases goodwill. It teaches people how to avoid language that creates
resentment or lowers self esteem. It emphasizes compassion as the motivation for actions,
rather than fear, guilt, shame or blame. It also emphasizes personal responsibility for
our choices. Nonviolent Communication can be used effectively even without the
other person's or group's knowledge of the process.
"We should all be grateful to Marshall
Rosenberg. He provides us with the most effective tools to foster health and
relationships" - Deepak Chopra |
Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force That Undermines Health and Happiness
by Douglas J. Lisle, Alan Goldhamer
List Price $24.95 Your price $17.47 SAVE 30%Every once in a while, a landmark book on health comes along
thats so original and innovative, it makes you reconsider your fundamental beliefs
about the subject. After reading it, you find yourself questioning behaviors that
all of your life you had taken for granted were good for you, until now.
A wake-up call to even the most health conscious Americans,
it boldly challenges conventional wisdom about sickness and unhappiness in todays
contemporary culture, and offers groundbreaking solutions for achieving change.
Authors Douglas Lisle, PhD, and Alan Goldhamer D.C., two of the nations most
courageous and outspoken experts, provide a fascinating new perspective on how modern life
can turn so many smart, savvy people into the unwitting saboteurs of their own well-being. |
Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries About
Cancer and Genetic Damage
by George Louis Carlo, Martin Schram, George Carlo
List Price $25.00 Your Price $17.001993, the wireless industry
association (CTIA) hired Dr. George Carlo, an epidemiologist to conduct a six year, $28
million dollar research program on the risk of cell phone useage. This study found genetic
damage from wireless phone radiation. Dr. Carlo blames the wireless industry, federal
regulators and Congress for not following up on new studies showing DNA damage and other
health hazards from wireless telephone use. However the wireless industry maintains that
wireless phones do not pose a health risk. There have been articles concluding that there
is no connection between brain cancer and cell phone use, one in the Journal of the
American Medical Association and the other in the New England Journal of Medicine. Should
we trust those articles? Read all the facts in this book and judge for yourself. This book
uncovers the dark side of the cell phone industry that every cell phone users should be
aware. |
Towers: Wireless Convenience? or Environmental Hazard?
by B. Blake Levitt (Editor)
List Price $19.95Cell Towers and hidden "stealth" antennas are cropping up
all over, despite vehement objections from community members. Health & safety
questions arise, but are often dismissed by the very people entrusted to protect community
welfare - planners and zoners - who have been told they cannot consider such questions. But
safety concerns about radio frequency radiation (called RF) used in all wireless
technology, spans decades. Those concerns have yet to be resolved depsite our
increasing exposures. "Cell Towers" cuts through the rhetoric to address the
complex issues of low-level RF. With chapters contributed by prominent research
scientists, government officials, engineers, and attorneys, the book is the most
comprehensive and balanced resource available for lay people today. Questions answered
include: Are the health concerns justified? What does the science really say? What are the
roles of the lead government agencies: EPA & FCC? Are the RF exposure standards
reliable? Are they current? What are other countries doing? Are humans the only concern?
What about millions of birds killed annually when they collide with towers? What about
property devaluation? Liability? Case law? What can comunities do? What are good zoning
regulations? Are we on an environmental collision course with ambient energy? |
Hidden Messages in Water
by Masaru Emoto
List $16.95 Your Price $11.87The Hidden Messages in Water is an eye-opening theory showing how water is
deeply connected to people's individual and collective consciousness. Drawing from his own
research, scientific researcher, healer, and popular lecturer Dr. Masaru Emoto describes
the ability of water to absorb, hold, and even retransmit human feelings and emotions.
Using high-speed photography, he found that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes
when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward it. Music, visual images, words
written on paper, and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure. Emoto
theorizes that since water has the ability to receive a wide range of frequencies, it can
also reflect the universe in this manner. He found that water from clear springs and water
exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while
polluted water and water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical
patterns with dull colors. Emoto believes that since people are 70 percent water, and the
Earth is 70 percent water, we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing
love and goodwill. |
Your Body with Oxygen
by Ed McCabe Ed McCabe has appeared on over
1,500 TV, radio, and lecture platforms. His 1988 bestseller Oxygen Therapies sold over
250,000 copies by word of mouth and without a major publisher! Obviously the people want
what he has to say! Now, after 14 more years of intensive international researching,
visiting clinics, lecturing to huge crowds, and interviewing thousands of successful
oxy-therapy users, "Mr. Oxygen," announces what is simply the best Oxygen
Therapy book in history.
Flood Your Body with Oxygen honestly examines all the Oxygen
Therapies and every issue surrounding their origin, their history, and their use. Flood
Your Body includes a wealth of testimonials and available medical references and examines
the therapies and their use in detail. |
That Heal, Fats That Kill : The Complete Guide to Fats, Oils, Cholesterol and Human Health
by Udo Eramas
List Price: $22.95 Your Price: $18.36 SAVE 20%Udo Erasmus in-depth look at the oil industry and the processes that
turn healing fats into killing fats is unequaled. Learning about these processes is
essential to understanding why we must make certain food choices to prevent and even
reverse degenerative diseases including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In "Fats
That Heal, Fats That Kill," Erasmus has far surpassed his original best-selling work,
"Fats & Oils." From the way our bodies assimilate fats and oils to the
politics of health, Erasmus shies away from nothing. |
Foods Companion : A Guide for Adventurous Cooks, Curious Shoppers, and Lovers of Natural
by Dianne Onstad, Diane Orstad
List Price: $29.00 Your Price: $23.20 SAVE 20%Instead of augmenting a diet with additives and supplements, today's food
lovers want whole food--as fresh, unrefined and organically grown as possible. Whole Foods
Companion is a complete guide to the amazing wealth of natural foods now found nearly
everywhere. It includes detailed entries on hundreds of fruits, vegetables, grains,
legumes, herbs and spices, nuts, seeds and oils. 100 illustrations. 360 nutritional
tables. Learn what exact nutrients are in each food! |
What Came to Dinner : Parasites and Your Health
by Ann Louise Gittleman
List Price: $9.95 Your Price: $8.95 SAVE 10%Explains
the shocking truth about parasites and your health and how to recognize, treat and prevent
this silent health epidemic. |
Food Is Your
Best Medicine
by Henry Bieler, Maxine Block
List Price: $6.99The pioneering nutrition
classic. Dr. Bieler contends, based on over fifty years of practice, that live food plays
a key role in warding off and curing disease. This book presents a fascinating
interpretation of how the body functions to maintain good health and addresses all kinds
of ailments with specific nutritional approaches. |
for Life : An All-Natural 5 Step Plan to Reclaim Your Zest for Living
by Gabriel Cousens, Mark Mayell (Contributor)
List Price: $23.00 Your Price: $18.40 SAVE 20% Recent
best-sellers (The Arthritis Cure, Dr. Susan Love's Hormone Book, 8 Weeks to Optimum
Health) prove the public's interest in finding medically safe, natural cures for common
ailments. Now Dr. Gabriel Cousens, an Ivy League-trained physician, shares his drug-free
program for helping the millions who suffer from depression. This is the first program to
acknowledge that all depression is not alike--it has multiple and often surprising
physical causes. Readers learn to customize Dr. Cousens's program to fit their unique
depression profile, rebalancing what Dr. Cousens calls "the natural drugs of the
brain" through his highly effective combination of amino acid therapy (which may soon
supplant milder herbs such as St. John's wort), vitamin and mineral supplementation, and
diet and lifestyle changes. Unlike drug therapy, which only soothes symptoms,
Depression-Free for Life actually repairs depression at its biological source, restoring
our control and joy in life. |
Energy : A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing
by Gabriel Cousens, David Wagner
List Price: $14.95 Your Price $11.96 SAVE 20%This
book explains, in the authors' persuasive words and case studies, the breakthrough
holistic healing technology called Tachyon energy. Benefits include a more rapid healing
and at least a partial reversal of the aging process. |
Unknown; Our Journey to an Unconventional Cure
by Randy Smith
List Price $12.95 Your Price $10.36 SAVE 20%If you have ever struggled with a debilitating illness, you know what
an enourmous drain it is in every respect; physically, emotionally, and financially, not
to mention the stresses it causes within the family. Now imagine what it would be like to
have an illness no one can diagnose, let alone treat. That is exactly the situation the
Smiths found themselves in.
Finally, in desperation, having tried conventional medicine
they turned to integrative medicine. It was then and only then, that they were able to
obtain a diagnosis and ultimately a cure. Follow the Smiths' journey from fear and the
failure of orthodox medicine, to the hope of integrative medicine and its natural,
common-sense therapies. Many questions were answered along the way. |
to Eden, Revised Ed.
by Jethro Kloss
List Price $9.95 Your Price $8.95 SAVE 10%Fully updated to reflect the nutritional needs of the '80s, this new edition
of the classic guide to herbal medicine, natural foods and home remedies underscores the
fundamental principle that true healing consists of a return to natural habits of living. |
for a New America
by John Robbins
List Price $14.95 Your Price $11.96 SAVE 20%
You have heard of Baskins and Robbins ice cream. John was being groomed to take over this
multi-million dollar business. But because of Johns quest for the truth, for the health of
the earth and people on earth, and for all the animals that suffer greatly, he declined to
inherit the business and instead wrote this book. If you are searching for better
health, being gentler to our earth, this book is a must read. "John Robbins has written a most extraordinary, compelling book, one
bound to shake our innermost core. Diet for a New America is a must for anyone concerned
about ecology."--The Las Vegas Sun. |
Diet for a New World
by Jia Patton (Designer), John B. Robbins
List Price: $14.00 Your Price: $11.20 SAVE 20%
The bestselling author of Diet for a New America presents his greatest achievement
yet--a practical look at how we can change ourselves and the world by changing the way we
eat. PBS has prepared an hour-long documentary about Robbins scheduled to air next year. |
Our Health; Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the
Source of True Healing
by John Robbins
List Price $14.95 Your Price $11.96 SAVE 20% From the bestselling author of "Diet for a New America"
comes a challenge the country's current medical system. In "Reclaiming Our
Health", John Robbins demonstrates the enormous human and financial costs of the
polarization of
conventional and alternative medicine, presenting a fresh new vision of what health care
in America might be. |
by Rama, Rudolph Ballentine, Alan Hymes, Swami Rama
List Price $12.95 Your Price $10.36 SAVE 20%People
laughed at the image of pretzel-legged yogis focusing on the tip of their noses- until
Swami Rama walked into a laboratory and showed scientists what a yogi with control over
his respiration can actually do. Before astonished researchers, he demonstrated perfect
control over his heart rate and brain waves- control physiologists hadnt believed humans
could possibly achieve. |
Engineered Food : A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers
by Ronnie Cummins, Ben Lilliston, Andrew Kimbrell (Foreword)
List Price $12.95 Your Price $10.36 SAVE 20%Stormy debates about genetically engineered (GE) food have raged throughout
Asia and Europe, particularly in the UK, where the 1995 outbreak of "mad cow"
disease ignited a groundswell of activism and outrage about food safety. Now, as the GE
food debate gains momentum in the United States and elsewhere around the world, two
leading consumer advocates give us Genetically Engineered Food, a comprehensive,
up-to-the-minute guide to the risks posed by GE foods-and what you can do to avoid them.
Ronnie Cummins and Ben Lilliston discuss the ethical, environmental, and health arguments
against GE food, how these foods are being regulated in the U.S. and abroad, and why
consumers are right to oppose them. |
Cider Vinegar : Miracle Health System With the Bragg Healthy Lifesytle Blueprint for
Physical, Mental and Spiritual Improvement-Healthy, Vital l
by Patricia Bragg, Paul C. Bragg
List Price: $6.95 Your Price: $6.25 SAVE 10%How to use the powerful cleansing and healing qualities of Bragg Organic
Apple Cider Vinegar. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, treated his patients with Apple
Cider Vinegar. |
That Heal : A Guide to Understanding and Using the Healing Powers of Natural Foods
by Bernard, Dr. Jensen
List Price: $14.95 Your Price $11.96 SAVE 20%The American Cancer Society recently recommended that Americans eat
more fresh fruit and vegetables. Based upon the works of pioneering nutritionists, this
well-researched, comprehensive guide reveals the restorative and healing properties of
fruits and vegetables. A food analysis chart includes the length of time needed for
digestion. Line drawings. 50 charts. |
and Alkaline
by Herman Aihara
Our Price: $8.95A detailed look into acid and
alkaline as it relates to Yin and Yang classification of foods. Includes charts for
balancing meals by acid and alkaline, sections on dietary remedies, plus recommendations
to stop or prevent cancer growth. |
by Sang Y. Wang
SECRET OF HEALTH AND LONGEVITY! The accumulation of acidic waste products within our body
is the process of aging. Therefore, removing old, stored waste is reverse aging. When we
think of "health," we think of diet and exercise. Diet and exercise help our
body dispose of waste products. However, they are very difficult to stay with and they are
not as effective. Now science has made it simple and easy to remove acidic waste products
that are within our body, and the method is more effective than diet and exercise. The
true "Fountain of Youth" was right under our nose all the time. Learn the
scientific processes and devices available for "Reverse Aging." No need to
accept "Aging" as a fact of life. Anybody can do it! |
or Die
by Theodore A. Baroody
Your Price $14.95This
powerful title carries an important message that can benefit everyone - a message destined
to revolutionize health care of the future with one simple principle - alkalize yourself.
The world is facing the largest health
crisis in recorded history. Dr. Baroody's comprehensive research and clinical findings
indicate that illness and disease are directly linked to over acidity in the system. The
polluted air we breathe, the chemicalized food and water we ingest are just a part of the
problem. Stress on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual can cause
the body to overproduce acid wastes, upsetting our delicate alkaline/acid balance. |
Salt Solution : A Complete 9-Step Program to Help Reduce Salt, Increase Potassium and
Dramatically Reduce the Risk of Salt
by Herb Boynton, Mark F. McCarty, Richare D., Md Moore, Mark McCarthy, Richard D. Moore
List Price: $10.95 Your Price $8.76 SAVE 20% The simple program outlined in this book can help
anyone reverse the ravages of salt addiction. The Sodium Solution offers convincing
evidence that lowering salt intake and increasing potassium may be the key nutritional
step one can take to protect health and reverse disease. |
to Beat Cancer
by J. Robert, Phd. Hatherill
List Price: $22.95 Eat to Beat Cancer offers a
new, effective way for us to combat this dreaded disease. What appealed to me most about
this book is that it tells you that you do not have to be cancer's victim. There are
choices you can make, foods you can eat and avoid, lifestyles you can adopt that can
prevent cancer before it starts. Dr. J. Robert Hatherill, an authority in the field of
toxicology, provides a cancer-busting diet as well as fascinating dietary facts. I believe
Eat to Beat Cancer can be your ticket to a long, healthy life. |
to Grow Fresh Air : 50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home or Office
by B. C. Wolverton
List Price: $16.95 Your Price: $13.56 Save 20%In research designed to create a breathable environment for a NASA lunar
habitat noted scientist Dr. B. C. Wolverton discovered that houseplants are the best
filters of common pollutants such as ammonia, formaldehyde, and benzene. Hundreds of these
poisonous chemicals can be released by furniture, carpets, and building material, and then
trapped by closed ventilation systems, leading to the host of respiratory and allergic
reactions now called Sick Building Syndrome. In this full-color, easy-to-follow guide, Dr.
Wolverton shows you how to grow and nurture 50 plants as accessible and trouble-free as
the tulip and the Boston fern, and includes many beautiful but commonly found varieties
not generally thought of as indoor plants. He also rates each plant for its effectiveness
in removing various pollutants, and its ease of growth and maintenance. |
Pest Control for Home & Garden : For Home & Garden
by Tom Roberts
List Price: $12.95 Your Price: $10.36 SAVE 20%Tom Roberts- A handy tool for pest identification that can be taken right
into the garden. Color pictures of each pest and descriptions of each pest and their
life cycle. Includes biological, cultural, and acute insect control: creating a good
garden environment:Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and insect resistance. Gardeners
and homeowners can relax! This book demonstrates that using harmful chemicals for treating
pest problems is no longer necessary. There is a variety of methods and remedies that
provide a non-toxic alternative. |
: The First and Last Freedom
by Osho
List Price: $12.95 Your Price: $10.36 SAVE 20%Introduces sixty-three step-by-step guides to ancient and modern techniques
of meditation, from Buddhist and Sufi practices to Osho's own Dynamic Meditation and
Mystic Rose Meditation. Meditation is indigenous to all religions, and this book
offers 63 step-by-step guides to both ancient and modern techniques. From ancient
Buddhist, Taoist, Sufi and Hindu practices to Osho's own modern Dynamic Meditation and
Mystic Rose Meditation, these methods will help any spiritual seeker further along the
path to fulfillment. |
Body's Many Cries for Water
by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (Illustrator)
Our Price: $14.95This book explains a new
discovery about the cause and cure of many painful conditions and degenerative diseases.
As a result of extensive research into the role of water in the body, the author, a
medical doctor, has found that chronic dehydration is the cause of many conditions
including asthma, allergies, arthritis, angina, migraine headaches, hypertension, raised
cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, depression, and diabetes in the
The body possesses many different thirst signals. A dry mouth
is not a reliable indicator of your body's water needs. This book shows how to recognize
the various thirst signals, and helps you learn to understand when your body is calling
for water. In this way, you can prevent, treat and cure a variety of conditions of ill
health, at no cost, with nature's miracle medicine: water. The book explains how much
water one needs to drink a day to stay healthy, and why tea, coffee, and sodas are not
good substitutes for water. |
Exposed : Rethinking a Medical and Cultural Tradition
by Billy Ray Boyd
List Price: $14.95 Your Price: $11.96 Save 20%Nearly 60 percent of all male newborns are routinely circumcised in the U.S.
In this book, the founder of the men's group, The Victims Speak, debunks the medical
reasons for infant male circumcision and places them in a cultural and historical context.
Boyd also explores male and female circumcision in a range of cultures. |
the Soul : Before Birth, During Life, After Death
by Eliot Rosen (Editor), Ellen Burstyn
List Price: $13.95 Your Price: $11.16 SAVE 20%Learn
how you can experience the bliss of the soul now, and not merely as a by-product of a
life-threatening crisis such as a near-death experience. A comprehensive anthology of
interviews on the ways people experience the soul during earth-life, before birth, and at
the moment of death, and after death, this book contains the thoughts of Elisabeth
Kubler-Ross, the Dalai Lama, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Raymond Moody, Jean Houston,
Dannion Brinkley, Betty Eadie, Ram Dass, and over two dozen other pioneering authorities
and first-hand soul experiencers. . |
Magic of Chia :
Revival of an Ancient Wonder Food
by James F. Scheer
List Price $12.95 Your price $10.36 SAVE 20%In the Magic of Chia, authority James F. Scheer details the seed's abundant
nutrients: calcium, amylose (a slow-burning starch helpful for hypoglycemics), a vast
array of vitamins and minerals, and an unusually good ratio of omega-3 oil to omega-6 oil.
The book reintroduces this wonder food to the modern palate, with numerous tested recipes
for using chia. Included is the never-before-told story about the twenty-year
program to domesticate the wild chia and, for the first time in modern history, grow it in
large enough quantities to supply the U.S. and world markets. |
Life in Your Hands
by Jane A., Ph.D. Plant
List Price: $23.95 Your Price: $19.16 SAVE 20%Your
Life Is in Your Hands is a detailed account of both Plant's personal story and her
tenacious hunt for controllable risk factors for breast cancer. Her conclusion:
dairy-product consumption is a risk factor for breast cancer (and perhaps prostate
cancer), as smoking is for lung cancer. "Cow's milk is a perfect food for a rapidly
growing baby calf," she writes, but "cow's milk isn't intended by nature for
consumption by any species other than baby cows." Plant presents a lifestyle program
to reduce your risk of cancer, including dietary, stress-reduction, and environmental
suggestions. |
The Survival of
by John Hamaker and Don Weaver
List Price $12.00 Your Price $0.00 SAVE 100%This
book is now of of print and sells for more than the original list price if you can find
it. (see it at half.com) The message of this book is an important one, and its a gift
to you for visiting our site. This book talks about many issues that we
face today. One of which is remineralization of the earth, global warming, etc. |
To Love and Regenerate
the Earth
by Don Weaver and John Hamaker
List Price $12.00 Your Price $0.00 SAVE 100%This
is the newest book, incorporating even more information about Regeneration of the Earth,
and Remineralization. Highly recommended. |

Raw Foods and Pets

Nutrition for Dogs and Cats : The Ultimate Pet Diet
by Kymythy R. Schultze
List Price: $8.95 Your Price: $8.05 SAVE 10%This
book will help pet-lovers enable their dogs and cats to enjoy an ideal quality of life
though a species appropriate diet of raw, natural foods. |
Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
by Richard H. Pitcairn (Preface), Susan Hubble Pitcairn (Preface)
List Price $16.95 Your Price: $13.56 SAVE 20%A classic natural pet-care book from two celebrated veterinary specialists in
chemical-free nutrition, treatment, and natural healing for pets, Dr. Pitcairn's Complete
Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats offers valuable natural and holistic advice on
a host of pet topics, including, but not limited to, diet, exercise, environment, coping
with a pet's death, and how to care for a sick animal. In addition to their thorough
discussion of the above, Richard Pitcairn, D.V.M., and his wife, Susan Hubble Pitcairn,
M.S., offer a comprehensive "quick reference" section on animal illnesses,
organized alphabetically and including a brief description of each illness, preventative
measures that may be taken, and holistic and natural treatment options for both dogs and
cats--treatments that should always be discussed with one's vet before being used.
Occasional line drawings, informative graphs, and the Pitcairn's intelligent prose make
this guide a must-have for pet owners interested in a natural lifestyle for their pets. |
Cats & Dogs : Good Nutrition Healthy Happy Animals
by Pat McKay
Your Price: $14.95This is my favorite book out
there on animal nutrition. Pat tells us why our pets need wholesome, raw foods. The book
is large type, simple to read and includes a simple raw food diet, easily prepared. As a
"health food store for pets" owner..I highly recommend this to all interested in
a more natural, healthier way of life for their companion animals. |
for Pets
by Mary L. Wulff-Tilford, Gregory L. Tilford, Greg L. Tilford, Gregory, L. Tilford
List Price: $39.95 This book is an
indispensable resource for pet owners. This attractive, easy-to-read, yet comprehensive
guide offers pet owners step-by-step instructions on how to find, prepare, and use herbs
to treat common pet ailments.
You Poisoning Your Pets?: A Guidebook to How Our Lifestyles Affect the Health of Our Pets
by Nina Anderson, Howard Peiper
List Price: $9.95 Your Price: $8.95 SAVE 10%Countless
pets are poisoned each year, either suffering a sudden illness or death or encountering
toxins on a daily basis that erode their health slowly and shorten their lifespan. This
helpful guide tells how to guard against both kinds of poisoning and explains how to
identify and remove such causes as cleaning products, paint and varnish, fumes, certain
houseplants, and more . |
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