Living and
Raw Foods Bookstore
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Need a dehydrator? - Purchase your dehydrator here
to Dry Foods
by Deanna Delong, Laura Gates (Editor)
List Price: $15.95 Your Price: $12.76 Save:20%A classic returns with updated recipes and a new look. The book details how
to dry fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, meats, fish, and nuts. More than 100 recipes
teach cooks how to make meat jerkies, fruit leathers, trail mixes, main courses, desserts,
baby food and much more. Full-color photographs. |
It-You'll Like It
by Gen MacManiman
Your Price: $10.00Food drying becomes an
adventure with this unique book. It has a simple, friendly feeling with its hand printing
and neighborly writing style which has made it the preferred beginners book. This is
the book to get you started in the wonderfully tasty habit of drying your own food.
It shows how to dry fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, fish, and leftovers and has
recipes for leathers, soups, trail foods and crackers. "Dry it-You'll like it"
has instructions for temperature control, ventilation, tray care, storing dried foods,
drying juicy foods, raising bread and other uses for your dehydrator |
and Using Dried Foods
by Phyllis Hobson
List Price: $14.95 Your Price: $11.96 SAVE 20%
Easy, economical, nutritious drying is a naturally great-tasting alternative to canning or
freezing. This simple how-to guide--featuring more than 100 great recipes--shows exactly
how to dry, store, and cook with dried fruits, vegetables, meats, and herbs. |
by Noreen Jo Thomas
Your Price: $9.95Noreen has taught a
number of dehydrator classes and was frustrated with the lack of good, updated books on
dehydration. Dehydrator Delights gives you a simple, straightforward approach to drying
fruits and vegetables. Noreen has been an avid dryer for about 8 years and about 12 tons
later, she gives you the benefit of her short cuts and lessons learned. |
Bell's Complete Dehydrator Cookbook
by Mary Bell
List Price: $15.00 Your Price: $12.80 SAVE 20%Mary Bell's book is an excellent reference for the dehydrator user. She
includes information for dehydrating fruits, vegetables, meats, and even herbs and
flowers. The recipe section tells you how to put it all together and includes recipes for
main dish treats, sweet treats, backpacking treats, and even pet treats. |
The Dehydrator Cookbook (Nitty Gritty Cookbooks)
by Joanna White
List Price: $8.95 Your Price: $8.05 SAVE 10%Here is everything you need to know about dehydrating fruits, vegetables,
meats, poultry and fish, plus delicious recipes for using your bounty. The book features
only natural pretreatment methods. It covers times and temperatures for dehydrating over
50 types of produce to retain the highest possible nutritional value, techniques for all
types of foods, meats, and fish, and much more. |
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