Ordering Information
We have designed a secure online shopping system for placing your order. You can order the items you wish, and then pay with credit card. Please follow the directions below to place your order.
You will then have the following options:
On the left side navigation bar, you have the following options: of each of the catalog pages you have the options: We hope you enjoy our online ordering system. Phone in order- Ordering Offline with a credit card We understand that people are still concerned about Internet security, even though we have a secure web site to accept orders.. To avoid having to enter your credit card information online, please follow the following directions.. Please follow the directions for ordering online. When you "checkout" and fill out your name, address, phone number, just select "will call/fax in credit card information" as the payment method (instead of visa, mastercard, american express or discover - which will require you to enter the number online) An invoice with an order number will be generated, and it will have the phone number to call in your credit card information. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the toll free telephone number to call in or fax in your credit card information. Order
as a gift for someone with a credit card Please follow the directions for ordering online. 1. When you "checkout" and fill out the name, address, phone number of the person you want us to ship to. Use your email address. (we will email you updates about the order) 2. If paying with a credit card, select "will call/fax in credit card information" 3. go to: http://www.discountjuicers.com/auth.html and print out the authorization form. 4. Fill it out completely, and fax in the completed form. (Be sure to note your order #) AOL
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