How I healed Blood Cancer Also
Known as Leukemia with Juicing and Living a Natural Lifestyle by Scot Guariglia June of 2006 came to me with a diagnosis of
leukemia. We have blood test evidence that symptoms began to manifest decades earlier. It
is likely that due to the situation I would have not made it to the time of a correct
diagnosis without the health advantages of juicing. I believe the cancer progression was
slowed to such an extent, as a result, that it gave me extra time I needed to learn and
research health topics related to symptoms as they progressed. At the time of diagnosis I
was prepared to develop a successful protocol that eliminated all symptoms within a period
of months. I am well now, five years later, without ever resorting to any conventional
treatment. Juicing of organic carrots is something I will not compromise. It is an
absolute fact that I will not miss juicing for more than a day or two and that is on rare
occasions. Even on vacations I make sure I have a juicer available. Please see a video demonstration below of how to use the Welles Press to maximize the nutrition out of carrots and other fruits and vegetables:
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