Fresh Juice Stability StudyBIOlogical Research P.O.Box 1136,Klamath Falls, OR 97601 This brief review of the 72 Hour Fresh Juice Stability Study encompasses: A. Three of the five juicers used in the study JUICER SELECTION: The representative juicer types selected
for this review include : A. Green Power - a one-step, twin-gear triturating type
juicer with magnetic and Far infrared technologies TIME PERIOD: Most juicer advertisements encourage consumption of fresh squeezed juices just after juicing. It is commonly recognized that many consumers desire to consume their juice leisurely, perhaps taking over an hour. Based upon both manufacturer recommendation and consumer use, this review covers the period of time most generally accepted as common for consumption of fresh squeezed juice. Fifteen minute test periods were established based upon observation of fifty different individuals and their consumption pattern. PRODUCE SELECTION: Carrots and apples were the produce of choice for this study. Each represents an opposite end of the produce spectrum. Carrots - a fibrous vegetable that can be difficult to
grind without building up heat in the juicer and juice Both are recognized as the most often juiced members of the produce family. Commercial grades of apples and carrots were selected from a grocery-chain store. It was determined that more people would choose a commercial grade of produce to juice due to: A. Cost PARAMETERS: Temperature Juices are heated by the heat build-up created by the speed
of the grinding / cutting / masticating mechanism of the juicer. Heat accumulation in the
juice exacerbates: A. DNA, enzymatic and mineral degeneration pH A higher pH in juice indicates a greater concentration of oxygen present. Minerals such as calcium are more readily absorbed and utilized by the body if they are bound to oxygen. Bio-available minerals are a great part of the reason for consuming fresh squeezed juice. Therefore, fresh squeezed juices need to be as alkaline as possible, and remain that way as long as possible. Carbohydrate index Measures both sugar level and mineral solids. The higher the
carbohydrate index: A. The greater concentration of minerals present Carrot -Juiced through 3 different juicers
Apple -Juiced through 3 different juicers -Initial temperature of fruit prior to juicing - 15.75 o C
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