Personal HomePage for amy mortier

Looking for others to commune with on the journey and those whom I can assist
Hi friends! I live in Tucson, AZ right now. Came down here for the winter from Taos, New Mexico and have found a lot of support and inspiration from people whom are aspiring to move more towards eating raw. I too have made giant steps.$$ I'm beginning a series of classes April 11 in Green Valley,AZ. I am a persoal chef for a wholistic dentist whom is making a transition to eating raw.
I've practiced massage therapy for 19 years and I've also created a successful sprout business in New Mexico growing sunflower sprouts, buckwheat and wheat grass. I worked as a kitchen manager at an Hippocrates Health Institue in Michigan in the eighties, that was the beginning of my love affair with the raw food diet. I love to garden and feel the best close to the earth with plants. Change is in the air! I feel ready to embrace my real passion which is working with the live food diet, assisting others and educating. Since I've decided to devote myself more to this the universe really seems to be supporting me in my efforts.
I am creating lots of great recipes, looking for a position as a chef or personal chef in Taos, Santa Fe or California by July 1st and more opportunities to educate others.
Visit my favorite web site below: