Personal HomePage for Phil Kvasnica

The world of natural health is more advanced now than ever, with more products, ideas, solutions, and educational programs becoming available every day! This is not necessarily news for those of us who have been students of this field for some time, but for those of the general population who ARE new to this, we welcome you with open arms, and gently remind you that "natural" is where it's at! No more pharmaceutical drugs, no more aspirin, etc. We get our solutions from the garden or from nature itself. While this may seem like "pie-in-the-sky", natural remedies heal and work with your body, unlike pharmaceuticals and aspirin and other drugs. In other words, by using natural foods and other natural products, your body, spirit, mind and soul will thank you by responding to the nutritive qualities in the foods, giving you a renewed sense of well-being. And we ALL want that....RIGHT? RIGHT!!! While you're at it, stop by and read up on REAL LIVING! :)
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