Personal HomePage for cadence

life in chile
hola, I´m putting up this information for anyone who travels to South America, or is interested in traveling down here. I live in Chile, and have been off and on now for about five years. I´m currently studying in Viña del Mar, Chile. I´m about 75-95% raw. I would love to be in contact with more people who are travelers and are raw foodists, as there are many challenges on this diet while in other countries, especially when you´re not in your own home or planted somewhere for a long period of time. The planning and making sure that you´ll have access to fresh produce, and knowing whether it´s organic or not, etc. AND ANYONE INTERESTED IN STARTING SOME KIND OF GROUP, ORGANIZATION, COMMUNITY, ETC. DOWN HERE!!!! I´d love to!! So I hope to get some connections!!!
con mucho amor, paz y cariño!!!
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