Personal HomePage for Sophie Quinn

I won't bore you with my life story as it's likely similar to yours: ignorant, sick, inspired, enlightened, healthy)
Instead I will share with you my simple dreams for the futer of RAW living.
1) At least one raw food feastaurant in every town across the planet.
2) Holistic, raw food promoting doctors, in every hospital.
3) The conversion (at least in thinking if not acting) of all vegetarians and vegans to the Raw lifestyle.
4) No more school. Instead kids would have identity cards and could learn about whatever they want, wherever they choose.
5) Convenience Raw food in major Grocery stores.
6) No more meat/dairy eating.
7) All money invested in anti-raw companies would be relocated to Raw programs, issues and production.
8) No more eating disorders and look-obsession.
9) Free raw food for the needy.
10) Hemp growing in every field the World over!
Thanks for letting me rant.
Can a raw woman get some unfermented essene bread around here? How 'bout some sprouted noodles?
See ya later Rawlligator!
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