Personal HomePage for Carol R. Brown LMT/CT

Healing Visions Retreat
Healing Visions Retreat At Bulow Camping Resort, Flagler Beach Enjoy a weekend of rest and renewal featuring A delightful menu of raw and living foods. During your retreat you will have the opportunity to learn many modalities of self healing. The tools you will take with you can be incorporated into your daily life to help heal mind, body and spirit. Classes will include (but are not limited to): Hatha Yoga with Gini Flowers Yoga each morning of the retreat is a wonderful way to start the day! EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with Steve Taton LMT MA35656 Learn to let go of your emotionally based fears and phobias, addictions, pain and stuck emotions. Go home with a healing tool you can use and share with your family. Balancing Your Chakras Through Movement with Joyce Bodine BA LMT MA11047 Learn how to balance your energies through subtle movements and polarity therapy to the rhythm of the drum. Tai Chi at sunset with Harry Waranch LMT NMT MA0023744 Dance with your shadow as you perform the Yang style to the setting sun. Single Attunement Reiki with Joseph(Shadow Wolf )Sparti Learn this gentle yet effective modality of channeling healing, for yourself, for your loved ones, for the world. Once you have learned Reiki, We will all join in a healing circle to send healing energy to our planet . Living food with Carol Brown LMT/CT MA26253 and staff The weekend will feature the 4 healing foods of the living foods lifestyle (wheatgrass juice, rejuvilac,veggie kraut and energy soup) plus our staff will prepare a delightful array of fresh salads and raw foods, vegetables, fruits and snacks. Free Time During free time, enjoy a relaxing massage, Polarity session, individual EFT coaching,Tarot reading, Reiki session, Live foods coaching or just relax, go for a walk, or use the pool. In the evenings join us at the campfire for drumming, stories, fellowship and music! If you play an instrument, please bring it! The retreat fee is 300.00 based on quad cabin accommodations. (1 double bed 2 bunks) Couples private cabins 350.00 per person. The fee includes 2 nights, welcome reception Friday evening, all meals and snacks on Saturday, morning and mid day meal on Sunday, and all classes. One on one healing sessions are individually priced and not included in the retreat fee Call 386 439 6715 to register for the April 4-6 retreat
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