The Living Foods Lifer


newsletter of SF LiFE A living foods community for the 21st century

… from the editor:


Many changes have taken place this summer that will affect members of our group. Much time and effort has gone into revitalizing and organizing our rental library, making it much more accessible for borrowing books, tapes, and equipment. It was through organizing the library we discovered that many books, especially in the Living Foods, Natural Hygiene, and vegetarian sections are missing. Some of these books include the following titles: The Sprouting Book by Ann Wigmore; The Rainbow Diet by Gabriel Cousins; Survival into the 21st Century, and Life in the 21st Century by Victoras Kulvinskas; The Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda Book by Joe Alexander. We need to replace these books, either through book donations or through group expenditures. If you have health and food books cluttering your shelves, please think about a donation to our library. No novels please.


The South Bay Living Foods Community/Vibrant Living have cancelled their much publicized Living Foods Expo 2000. What was to have taken place later this month is being rescheduled for next year. A copy of the statement recently sent by email/internet links is being reprinted here (by permission) for those who do not have internet access. Read the article “Expo 2000 Cancelled” on page 4.


Membership changes are being planned as this newsletter “goes to press”. Our Sprout Council meeting, being held on September 10th before our potluck, will formalize some changes that are currently being discussed. There are some elements of membership that are of concern, including the following: The newsletter and its importance for a changing membership; the library list and the importance of library cards and deposits; input from members - active and passive membership, and what members want. If you are interested in becoming more involved in an active way, email your concerns to, or write to the address listed on this newsletter.


For those who went to Jamaica for the Living Foods Chef event, how about a review for the next issue of the newsletter. Put fingers to the keyboard and write an article. Deadline is November 10th. Send your review or questions to Send it as a text file, or send it as an MS Word attachment. A four-page maximum. No exceptions please.




_ Robin Silberman


In This Issue

v      Expo 2000 Cancelled

v      Recipes from Elaine Nigro

v      Internal Cleansing with “E”s and “I”s

v      What are the Effects of Raw Food Diets on Flexibility?

v      Raw Dates

v      Richard Salome Biography




What’s Coming UP


SF LiFE Potlucks

Other Local Groups


Sundays at the Mission District Police Station

650 Valencia Street at 17th street, San Francisco

Parking in the rear of the station, on 17th Street


v       September 10 – Richard Salome

v       October 5 – Tom Billings – Raw Foods and Ayurveda

v       November 5 – Elliot Isenberg – Healing and the Belief System

v       December 3 – Speaker to be Announced


Time: 1:00 pm

Cost:  $2. Members/$4. Non-members

Coming without food: $5. Extra for everyone

Coming with food: Bring raw vegetable salads, bowls of mixed sprouts, nut patés, raw desserts, dehydrated crackers, enough for 10-15 people. All preferably organic.


For more information, call the Sproutline Number: 415-751-2806.


SF LiFE Membership

$20.00 annual membership includes the following:

v       Discounts to potlucks

v       Quarterly newsletter

v       Library check-out: books, audio tapes

v       Video tapes with deposit

v       Equipment rentals with deposit


Send the following information:

v       Name

v       Address

v       City, State, ZIP

v       Phone Number

v       Email Address

v       $20.00 check

SF LiFE, 662 – 29th Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94121

For newsletter submissions, email


East Bay Living Foods Group meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 6:00pm. In Sept, we will meet on Sept 24th. The group meets in Helene Miller's home, which is a three- minute walk from the Rockridge BART station. We have been growing and have had some GREAT food. The speaker for Sept 24th is Robert Jacobs. The potluck starts at
6:00pm. The phone # with a recorded message, directions, etc., is (415)
789-8005. The email address is "" If you want
to be on the email list, just send an email.

South Bay Living Foods Community

Contact for more information on this group. Refer to page 3 for more events.


Santa Cruz Living Foods Community

Contact Tricia and Steve Zenone at for more information on their group. The Santa Cruz County RawFoodists host a FREE monthly RawFood potluck the 3rd Saturday of each month.


The Sacramento Living Food Community

This group offers group dinners at member homes. This is not a potluck event. Cost is $10.00 to the host of the meal. Contact Mark O’Rielly at 916-415-0865 for more information about this and other Sacramento events.




Anti-Cancer Foods

Fruitarian Archive Website

Note:  The following information was presented on a local news show. As Living Fooders, we can accept or reject any information that does not adhere to Living Foods principles. Whole wheat breads can be interpreted as grain crisps; Tuna can be dismissed  _ ed.


More and more research suggests a healthy diet can lower our risk of breast cancer. But what does healthy really mean? The following is a list of the top 10 foods to eat to help prevent breast cancer, according to Dr. Elaine Magee, a dietician and author of several books including Tell Me What To Eat- Help Prevent Breast Cancer:



v       Carrots

v       Spinach

v       Broccoli

v       Orange Juice

v       Garlic and onions

v       Canola Oil and olive oil

v       Beans

v       Flaxseed

v       Whole wheat breads

v       Tuna

What makes these foods so powerful? They're loaded with plant chemicals, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  While far from conclusive, research suggests they stimulate the immune system and protect cells from DNA damage.

A small Internet website that serves as an archive site of material on fruitarian diets. The articles here are updated versions of material first published in 1996. Despite the age of the material, it still has merit. Check it out!



Membership Renewals


Have we lost you forever? We hope not. For those members whose memberships expired in March or June, please, please renew.



The events calendar is posted on the Institute for Vibrant Living Web site at: Listed are events sponsored by both the Institute for Vibrant Living/South Bay Living Food Community and other area raw food events/classes provided by members of the community. For further information about any of the events please contact the person whose name and contact information is listed with the particular event. If you wish to submit events to be included on the list, please contact, 650-424-9180. Events for the following month are due on the 25th of each month.

6:00 pm, Free Potluck, in Belmont.
Blessing, Carol 408-737-2702,
4 - 6:30 pm Potluck & Marco-Polo Pool Party
7:00 pm Leadership Team Mtg, South Bay Living Food Community/Institute for Vibrant Living
Dan 650-941-8797,

9/16 - 9/17:

Raw Food Gathering at Ashland, Oregon.
Judeen 503-667-2615,
(Elaine Nigro and Blessing booth and a workshop.)
12 noon, Free Potluck,
Felton Covered Bridge Park, Santa Cruz
6:00 pm, Nuts, Mylks,
Hands-on Food Prep Class, Belmont
Blessing, Carol 408-737-2702,
9/25 - 10/1:
Eden Hot Springs Retreat
David Wolfe, Sequoia Neptune
11:30 am - 3:00 pm, UCSC Organic Farm Tour & Potluck Rebecca Elder,

Carpools leaving from Mountain View and Los Gatos.

2:00 pm, Hearty, Easy Italian Meal,
Alameda, Pure Joy Living Foods
Elaine Nigro 408-358-6092,
6:00 pm, Pates, Burgers
Hands on Food Prep Class, Belmont
Blessing, Carol 408-737-2702,

5:30 pm, yoga/pilates class
7:00 pm, Free Raw Food Lite Dinner,
Center of Balance, 650-967-6414,
10/6 - 10/13: Chef Training,
10/6 - 10/15: Instructor Training,
Harbin Hot Springs, Living Light Culinary Arts Institute
Cherie Soria 800-484-6933 ext.6256,,

Angel Island outing (all day event),
Hike 360 degrees around the entire island, located in SF Bay, and enjoy spectacular views of the entire Bay.

Includes ferry ride, picnic potluck lunch. (moderately easy hike, approx. 5 miles with a lunch break) or 650-961-9541
Carpools check for details soon
10/8 - 10/14:

Wellness Retreat, Dr. Zaida Rivene, Jim Montrose
7:00 pm, David Wolfe Lecture
Center of Balance, Mountain View
Food by Elaine Nigro
10/13 - 10/15:
Essene Gathering, Harbin Hotsprings
Nazariah 541-895-2190
2:00 pm, pre-holiday food prep class,
Los Gatos, Pure Joy Living Foods
Elaine Nigro, 408-358-6092,
6:00 pm, Crackers, Hands-on Food Prep Class, Belmont
Blessing, Carol 408-737-2702,
12 noon, Free Potluck, Felton Covered Bridge Park,
Santa Cruz
11/ 8 - 11/ 17:
Thailand Raw Food Adventure, Doug Graham.
11/10 - 12/15, 6:30 - 9:30 pm Friday evenings,
Class with Victoria Boutenko, Oakland,
Helene Miller 510-652-5789, Victoria 541-488-8865
11/17 - 11/19:
Holiday Entertaining Harbin Hot Springs, Living Light Culinary Arts Institute 800-484-6933 x6256,
11/20 - 12/4:
Raw Food Vacation in Bali, Rob Miller 718-499-6984,
12/30 - 1/6/2001:
Ignite the Fire Within Eden Hot Springs  David Wolfe
FireWalk with Jon Cotton
888-RAW-FOOD, 510-653-FIRE

1/6 - 1/14:Costa Rica with Doug Graham, Cherie Soria
Living Light Culinary Institute 800-484-6933 x6256,


EXPO 2000 Cancelled

Institute for Vibrant Living The EXPO Team


To all raw fooders and friends,

We have decided not to hold the Living Food Health EXPO this year. The EXPO is the world's largest event about raw and living food. Nevertheless, it still appeals primarily to the living food community.

One purpose of the Institute for Vibrant Living, host of the EXPO, is to create awareness among the general public through education and positive experiences involving living food. Our goal is to expand our message beyond food -- to embrace and communicate to the general public a total lifestyle approach to vibrant living and well-being. We envision an EXPO attended by 5,000 people or more! To accomplish this, the Institute and the EXPO team believe we need to recast the EXPO from an entirely new mold. This means

·         Holding EXPOs on both coasts (west coast beginning fall 2001, east coast beginning spring 2002).

·         Engaging a PR firm of national stature, to help bring our message to the media on a scale never before achieved on a sustained basis.

·         Expanding the number of speakers that we can accommodate -- creating opportunities for nationally known teachers to present more than once, while also supporting emerging teachers and leaders.

·         Integrating other essential elements of vibrant, healthy living, such as movement, breathing, sunshine and light, etc.

·         Adding a new Center for Well-Being.

·         Adding a free child care program.

·         And many program changes.


From our discussions, we realize that we cannot produce this year's EXPO and have sufficient time and resources to launch an entirely new EXPO next year. Instead, we are already working on the design of the new EXPO. Our intention is to publish a draft document this fall that outlines the new EXPO. We will invite suggestions from the entire community as we move forward. We are already beginning this new journey. For the first time, we are creating a dedicated team focused entirely on the EXPO and other vibrant living projects. We are gathering resources and implementing computer systems and other infrastructure that can handle events of the magnitude we envision. We are also planning the first National Vibrant Living Leadership Conference, to be held early in 2001. The purpose of this conference is to create a public agenda, to build a solid foundation for the living food movement. We intend to focus on information and beliefs that we all hold in common, so that we can project a coherent, effective message to the world. From this foundation, we envision an annual National Living Food Day and many other programs that reach directly to the general public and the media. Though we realize that not holding an EXPO this year may disappoint some, we deeply believe that this decision allows us to bring the whole movement onto center stage much more quickly than would otherwise be the case. Please direct all questions and comments to If you are a speaker or living food community organizer, we urge you to share this information with your own community as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your patience and continued support as we chart a new course. Wishing blessings and abundance to all, Institute for Vibrant Living The EXPO Team




Elaine Nigro


6 cups almond meal (leftover pulp from making almond vanilla ice cream-see below)
2 cups flax meal (grind the whole flax seeds in a dry blender
1/2 cup almond or olive oil
1-2 tsp. celtic sea salt
2 carrots ground in a food processor until well ground (optional)
1 cup sprouted sunflower seeds (optional)
Mix everything together with your hands in a big bowl.
Place a ball between two teflex sheets or pieces of wax paper and roll with a rolling pin until 1/4" thick. Score into bread sized pieces and dehydrate at 105 degrees for 6-8 hours.
Variations: Add a couple cloves of crushed garlic and 1/2 cup chopped basil and other fresh garden herbs. Tastes like garlic bread.
1 cup soaked almonds (3/4 cup before soaking)
1/2 cup water
1 clove garlic
1 tsp. celtic sea salt
1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
3 Tbl. lemon juice or 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
3 large or 5 small pitted dates
dash of cayenne pepper
2 cups olive and or flax oil
Blend all ingredients except oil until smooth. Add oil through top of blender until mixture becomes thick like mayonnaise. You may need to open the blender and use a spatula to get all the oil in.
Will store for 2 weeks in the refrigerator, freezes well.

Generously slather 2 pieces of bread with mayonnaise. Place a nice thick juicy slice of tomato on one piece of bread. Top with ripe avocado slices and a piece of Romaine lettuce. Definitely eat over a plate or sink!



2 cups soaked almonds (about 1 1/3 cups before soaking)
3 cups purified water
1 Tbl. vanilla
10 small dates
Blend almonds and water until almonds are well blended.
Strain through The Amazing Nut-Milk Juice and Sprout Bag or a strainer
After thoroughly squeezing all the milk out of the bag, save the pulp for your bread.
Pour the milk back into the blender and add the remainder of the ingredients. Blend well.
Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray and freeze for a c! ouple hours. Put the frozen cubes through a Champion or the shredder blade of a food processor, then make creamy with the S blade of the food processor.
Enjoy over Blackforest Cherry Brownies


2 cups soaked and dehydrated walnuts
1/3-1/2 cup pitted soft dates
1/2-3/4 cup raw carob powder
2 tsp. cherry extract
Puree the nuts into a meal in your food processor. Add the dates and continue to puree until the mixture becomes a ball. Add the carob and the extract and puree until well combined.
Press into a square brownie pan. Cut into brownie sized pieces and serve with fresh slices of strawberries or raspberries and vanilla ice treat.
For variety: Add dried cherries or raisins and chopped walnuts for texture.


Elaine is the owner and operator of Pure Joy Living Foods, which features catering, consulting, monthly group classes, private classes, retreats, workshops and mail order dehydrated flax crackers and The Amazing Nut Milk, Juice and Sprout Bag as well as juicers, dehydrators and various other raw food products. I have been sharing my gourmet food creations and information about how to become a healthier more joyous being through adding enzyme rich, living foods to one's diet since the beginning of 1998. Call (408)358-6092,  My next class will be in Alameda on October 1st. People can call or email me for the menu, It'll be a fall harvest type meal. I also will be putting on a raw food Italian dinner in Alameda on September 23rd.



Discovering the Living Foods Lifestyle

from an Ann Wigmore perspective


Part 13


Internal Cleansing with “E”s and “I”s


Note:  This column is meant to relay information in the form of an alternative, educational lesson. It is not meant as an instruction for self-medical care.  If you have any questions about enemas, implants, or colonics, please talk to a qualified specialist who can lead you through the course of procedures you most want to learn.  If you have any doubts about the information presented in this column, please refer to available personnel for information and resources.


Throughout this series of columns we have emphasized the importance of proper food in the Living Foods Lifestyle program. What we have not discussed is internal cleansing and the roll it plays in achieving a balanced digestive and metabolic interplay for the body.


The Importance of Enemas and Implants

Although a Living Foods program in and of itself will cleanse an otherwise clogged digestive system, it will not totally eliminate decades of hardened fecal material, which adheres to intestinal walls. Ann Wigmore, who healed herself of colon cancer, adamantly believed in the power of pure water enemas and wheat grass juice implants (the “E”s and “I”s of the program). She never hesitated to impress upon her students how important it was to help clean the body of internal toxins and clogged intestines. She took her cue from biblical times, when people used water-filled gourds to perform internal cleansing. Dr. Ann had always assured students that “E”s and “I”s were an integral part of the program, and used daily for initial cleansing for the 2-week program, and daily/weekly for continual check of intestinal health, she stated that “E”s and “I”s were of continual importance for the body. Pure water is used to loosen hardened fecal material that clings to and clogs intestinal walls, and wheat grass juice implants are used as a “detergent” to wash the intestinal walls of debris. The juice is also used to heal intestinal fissures, and to be absorbed through the intestinal walls as a nutritional addition to the Living Foods diet. For those who have a real aversion to drinking wheat grass juice, internal wheat grass juice implants provide the much-needed missing nutrition for the body. Over a prolonged period of time, the  “E”s and “I”s sessions continually improve the overall condition of the intestine.

Note:  Enemas and implants are usually performed either first thing in the morning or the last thing at the end of the day. An empty stomach is preferred, or at least a digestive system that is not actively digesting a meal. Do not plan an enema directly after eating. Wait at least 3 hours after eating a meal.


How to Perform an Enema


Equipment Needed

v      A quart, liter, or other large measurement enema bag purchased in a health-food/drug store. These bags are made of soft plastic with long extended tubing, and a water shut-off valve attached to the tubing.

v      A catheter for attaching at the end of the plastic tubing

v      ½ gallon of luke-warm filtered water kept in a glass or plastic container. Note: never use cold water for an enema. It will make your abdominal muscles cramp.

v      2 oz. Implant container called a baby-bulb syringe, found in the baby supply area of the store. It is made of soft squeezable plastic.

v      2-3 ozs of fresh wheat grass juice

v      Slant board, or other surface to lie on (foam pad, towels, etc)

v      Clean floor in bathroom

v      Water-soluble lubricant (Dr. Bronner’s soap, lotion, or coconut/olive oil. Note: never insert an object into your rectum without a lubricant.




Instructions for the Enema

v       Relax your body

v       Dress/undress appropriately for your environment and comfort

v       Fill enema bag with water. Don’t overfill.

v       Hang the bag no higher than waist level while standing. The higher the bag, the faster the flow of water.

v       Let water flow through the tubing before inserting it in your body. This will eliminate the air bubbles in the tubing.

v       Lie in a comfortable position on your left side.

v       Lubricate the tip of the tubing/catheter and your appropriate body parts.

v       Ease tubing into your rectum slowly until it passes your muscle. You will feel it.

v       Relieve the water stopper on the tubing and allow the water to flow into your body. Stay relaxed.

v       When 1/3 of the water has flowed through the tubing, slowly change your position and lie on your back. Allow the next 1/3 of the water into your body. You can gently massage your intestine while the water is flowing into your body.

v       Slowly change your position, and lie on the right side of your body. Let the remaining water into your body. You can continue to massage your intestines.

Note:  If at any time during this process your body has an urge to void the water, shut off the flow of water from the bag, breathe through your mouth, and relax. This feeling should go away. If you are uncomfortable, get to the toilet and void the water. Never, ever force your body to do something it is not comfortable in doing.


Over the course of “practice makes perfect”, the amount of water, the degree of ease and comfort your body will feel, will improve. Allow your body to adapt to what you are doing. Never distract your body from the enema. If you need to relax more, light candles or incense, or darken your room. Never allow noise, children, spouses, or roommates to disrupt your session.


When you have used up the water you have prepared, or when the water runs clean from your body, you are ready for the implant.


Performing an Implant

v       Fill the syringe with wheat grass juice. You can prepare this in advance before your enema.

v       Turn on to your stomach, with your derrière in the air. Take the implant syringe and express it into your rectum.

v       Raise your derriere and let your body absorb the wheat grass juice. Your body might want to void it. Try and allow 20 minutes for absorption. If the urge to void is too great, go to the toilet and void the wheat grass juice. Other fecal material might be voided at this time as well.


Practicing the implant will make it easier to do.


The following points should always be remembered when performing enemas and implants:


v       Massaging your intestinal tract while water is flowing through it will make for a more thorough enema.

v       Never perform an enema/implant directly after eating. You should wait at least 3 hours after your last meal. If you prefer morning enemas, a glass of water or rejuvelac before the enema will help with hydration.

v       As an option, rejuvelac can be used after an implant for additional cleansing. Rejuvelac is high in potassium, an element that is flushed from your intestinal tract by the enema. Drink rejuvelac to replenish this potassium, or eat a banana or other potassium-rich food.

v       Remember, there should never be any pain involved when performing an enema. Allow your body to relax before undertaking the enema.


Colonic Therapy

Colonic therapy is a higher form of intestinal cleansing. It is usually performed by professional colonic therapists who use equipment especially designed for individual use. Each colonic therapy session uses a large quantity of water, and the flow is manipulated by the equipment, so that you never have to leave the colonic table in order to evacuate material.


Colonic therapy should not be used if you have never tried an enema on your own, or if you are not comfortable in giving yourself an enema.

Although these two statements sound contradictory, they are not. Being comfortable with the feeling of water flowing inside you is essential for either experience. Starting with an enema will prepare you for the experience of a colonic, but if you are uncertain as to how to perform the enema, a colonic therapist session is essential.





What are the Effects of Raw Food Diets on Flexibility?

Tom Billings

As one who practices yoga and has experimented with a variety of vegetarian and raw food diets, I am writing this to solicit reports on the experiences of others regarding the effects (if any) of predominantly raw vegan diets on flexibility.
In my own experience, keeping a stable yoga practice while my diet varied from nearly 100% raw vegan to 75% raw lacto-vegetarian diets, I experienced little change in flexibility when the diet changed. Indeed, the level of my flexibility seems to be more a function of how long I spend in yoga practice, and not how much cooked food there is in the diet. In contrast to this, over the years I have received a number of letters from people who:


v       had a regular yoga practice *before* going raw, then

v       switched to a ~100% raw vegan regime, and

v       experienced a sharp *decrease* in flexibility, i.e., they were stiffer
on raw foods than on their previous diet.

I have no logical explanation for these reports of loss of flexibility on raw food diets. The "party-line" explanation here presumably is that it is a "detox symptom." Inasmuch as detox is a continuing process that suggests the loss of flexibility should be a short-term phenomenon, but that does not appear to be the case.

Weight Changes: A Confounding Factor
It should be noted that changes in diet may cause changes in weight, and that may produce changes in flexibility. Gaining weight may reduce flexibility, while losing weight (within bounds) may increase flexibility.
(Fat tends to make bending and/or twisting, more difficult.)
As raw diets often cause weight loss, one would expect them to increase flexibility; thus the reports of stiffness are surprising.

The Inquiry:
Seeking Reports of Relevant Experience
In order to obtain additional information on this topic, I am asking people who meet the following criteria, to contact me.

1. You had a regular yoga or stretching practice for at least 4 months “before* switching from a predominantly cooked-food diet, to a ~100% raw foods diet. Here regular practice is defined as 4 or more practice sessions a week, providing a minimum of 3.5 hours (total) per week of stretching.
Note: if you practiced hatha yoga, count time in asanas (only) to derive total stretching time; do not count time spent in relaxation, pranayama,
or meditation.

2. You switched to a ~100% raw food diet while holding your yoga or stretching practice relatively constant in terms of its duration/intensity.

3. You ate enough calories on your raw food diet, such that your weight did not change much after the diet switch. If you meet the above criteria, then I am very interested in hearing whether you noticed any change in flexibility (positive, negative, or no change), after adopting a ~100% raw foods diet. Your name will not be released; I may eventually report a summary of the results if I get enough
replies to this inquiry. To reply, send an email to the address below. (If you are a member of SF-LiFE, you can phone and leave a message on the Sproutline if you do not have email access.) Thanks to all who contribute their reports!

P.S. As this article may end up on some websites, and some might read this months or years after it is posted, let me put a time limit on replies: replies will be considered if received before the end of the year 2000.
Tom Billings is the editor of a controversial website on raw and alternative diets: Beyond Vegetarianism,

Copyright 2000 by Thomas E. Billings; all rights reserved. Contact author for permission to republish.



Raw Dates

The Date People


Note: The following article was originally published in The Date Peoples’ Organic Update Autumn 1999, and is being reprinted here by permission. _ed.

All Steamed up: Raw foodist beware the hydrated date

Many of the dates sold in the super markets are steamed to make them more palatable. This process is called hydration. It involves putting dry dates on racks, wetting them down, and steam cooking the fruit for anywhere from two to six hours. Steamed dates should always be labeled as “hydrated” but sometimes they’re not. They can be easily recognized by their extra shiny appearance, unnatural texture and, of course, cooked flavor. It is mostly the Deglet Noor variety that is hydrated, although in drier years, many Medjools may be hydrated as well. The term used in the date industry for naturally moist dates, which have not been hydrated is “naturals”. While you will always pay a premium price for naturals, you do get a more nutritious and a better tasting date. Hydrated dates are usually less expensive, but also more perishable. Just after the turn of the century, when dates were first introduced to the North American continent form the middle east, the Deglet Noor was chosen to be the standard variety.

Around 80% of the dates currently grown in the US are Deglet Noor. This variety was selected because of its good flavor, heavy yield, and its dry texture, which makes them easy to handle. For instance, Deglet Noors are usually stored in field bins 3 to 4 ft. deep, while soft date varieties must be placed in small hand lugs not more than 4inches deep. Deglet Noors are delicious and easy to handle, but normally they yield few naturals and most are sold as “bread dates” or hydrated. All pitted dates are hydrated. All dry dates pieces in oat flour are hydrated and most date products on the market are made from hydrated dates.

Since we specialize in growing soft dates, there is no need for the hydration process since the dates are already naturally moist. In fact, some times they need to be put in front of the fans at room temperature to dry them down a little before they can be handled. We offer 100% raw dates and 100% raw date products.


Power Food Experience

Carol McKenna


Eating for Energy and Vitality

Free Living Food Potluck - Sept 12th
New Hands-on class starting Sept 19th

Increase your Vitality and Joy with Living Foods. Lose Weight, Increase your Energy, enhance your Mental Clarity, Improve your Mood, and Sleep better while enjoying creamy, satisfying dishes loaded with fat splitting, energy giving enzymes that will work for you.

Class Schedule

Week 1 Nut, Seed, Grain, Coconut mylks
Learn to create your own, with a variety of nuts, seeds, grains with fresh seasonal fruits and condiments
Week 2 Dressings & Sauces
Creamy and delicious sauces atop fresh fruits and veggies
Week 3 Patés & Burgers
Make Nutloafs, Burgers, Meatballs, Cutlets and Burritos
Week 4 Pies & Quiches

Sweet and savory organic Fruit Pies and delicious Quiches
Week 5 Crackers (dehydrated)
Learn the art of making delicious Crackers sweet and herbed

Classes include a one-hour step by step demonstration, by Blessing. Let your imagination fly. Workbook with written recipes; and discussion included.

Date: Tuesday's starting September 19th - Potluck September 12th
Time: 6:00 PM
Cost: $175 advanced payment for the series, or $40/class - Potluck is free
Location: Dr. Rivené's Belmont home
RSVP: Carol McKenna @ 408-737-2702, or email
Seating Limited, call today!






C/o 662 29th Avenue

San Francisco, CA  94121







Richard Salome


For the first 29 years of his life, Richard was diagnosed and struggled with numerous chronic ailments that his doctors and the medical world had no answers to. These included extensive food and environmental allergies, severe acne, constipation, colitis, hemorrhoids, sinusitis, bronchitis,
urinary tract infections, enlarged prostate, osteoarthritis, extensive tooth decay, insomnia, and anxiety.Finally in October 1979, the doctors informed Richard that he had prostate cancer. This was a turning point in his life. He decided on that day that he would look outside the medical world to find some answers, and he did. He immediately stopped taking all of his medications and decided not to proceed with the radiation/chemotherapy recommendation of his doctors.

Within one week of the doctors' disclosure, Richard "discovered" the Living Foods program that was pioneered by Ann Wigmore and Victoras Kulvinskas.

I After six months on the program, Richard's prostate cancer was no longer detectable, and every condition that he had suffered from for all of his
adult life had significantly improved. In October 1987 after 8 years of researching nutrition and nurturing his health, Richard decided to change his career and became a Living Foods lifestyle consultant. In this capacity, he has served as the director of health education for 4 organizations including the Hippocrates Health nstitute in West Palm Beach, Florida from 1991 to 1993 and New Spirit Naturals in San Dimas, California from 1995 to 1996. He also operated his own educational center in Santa Cruz, California from 1987 to 1991.He has authored An Introduction To The Living Foods Lifestyle as well as
written numerous articles that have been published. He is currently working on an exciting new book with Rose Lee Calabro as well as teaching and consulting, in person and by phone, with interested individuals and groups.