Personal HomePage for "Sweet Harmony" (glikiArmonia)
We came to sweeten you harmoniously
"glikiArmonia" is translated as "sweet harmony" and as our name implies we are passionate about bringing to you raw, natural and living sweets and desserts (plus raw snacks) - positively bursting with life force energy in harmony with your body. All the natural flavours maintain their integrity as no heating is used and the result is a taste sensation that is out of this world. Enjoy!
Your one-stop choice for Raw vegan food in Athens, Greece We cater for all your raw food needs in Athens with a variety of meals that will be delivered at no extra cost to your lodgings incl hotels.
We have special greek raw food dishes and traditional sweets for your desert - all raw vegan.
please give us a call or email us prior to your arrival in order to arrange our menu according to your needs.
Enjoy your raw food stay in Athens!
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Sweet Harmony (glikiArmonia)
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