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Personal HomePage for Nick

Meditate, Eat Right, Live Better and Longer:-)

"The greater the challenge the greater our spiritual understanding and growth" (Master Ching Hai)

If nothing happen by chance... it is safe to say that everything come from the Master Plan? come about after some friends and other people I talked with expressed interest to find more of why I follow a vegetarian diet, why I meditate, why I exercise, why I made a total lifestyle change back in 1997...

Today, what you find here on is a collection of past and present research, life experiences and grateful contribution from others encountered along the journey.

Now you have the opportunity to learn more of the "what", "when" and the "how" we can make simple changes in our lifestyle and make a difference in ourselves and others.

Today you can start to have an abundant life, (or continue to have it if this is where you are now!) as it was meant for us to have from the beginning of time.

With your participation, permission and support we will be here to assist you in anyway possible with what we have to offer so far.

The educational and informational products and services we offer for free, at a discount and/or at competitive prices are offered to you with one think in mind: "you use and enjoy them, learn, practice, prosper, and share them with others, because we believe they are beneficial to mankind and to our animal kingdom".

We cannot carry everything... so when you cannot find what you are looking for, please let us know by email ( or telephone/fax (416) 920-1967, no matter what the situation or request you have, be assured we will reply because we know that with your questions and requests, we will improve what we do, say and think and at the same time, we can share, offer and always serve you more while walking on this last journey home.

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