Personal HomePage for crystal

hi! my name is crystal and i am just beginning a raw foods diet (2/23/09). This page will show a daily log of my feelings, thoughts, actions, changes, comparisons, etc. starting from day one of my diet! Which would be today :) i will also post pictures for a visual journey and recipes that i've found and enjoy. Also, what really works for my own personal lifestyle. Considering i train in mixed martial arts daily (sometimes 2- 3 times daily) i'm thinking i will need alot of nuts grains, and seeds. Keep in mind i grew up hunting, fishing, and butchering animals. Basically, i love meat and this will most likely be rather challenging.. i have much more researching to do so i will return with the latest update!
February 23, 2009- started my day at 9am. ate some grapes and strawberries. I haven't really any whole foods to eat except some celery haha so i have to do some shopping. i checked out the recipes posted on the living-foods site and i have a general idea of what i will start with. Lots of greens, i love veggies. and nuts. I will try to make some almond millk :) wish me luck! height- 5'8" weight- 145lbs
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