Personal HomePage for Cutter

Counting on not being counted out.
Well, the name's Cutter Two Wheels. i listen to punk music, ride a motorcycle, love my dog (and my boyfriend, too), and try to love the world. it's hard most of the time. i'm real new to this raw food business, but i've been vegetarian since i was 12 and on again off again vegan for a good share of those 11 years (do the math, that makes me 23). i love walking in the woods with my dog, riding my old silly bicycle, and am obsessed with yoga (although recently i've had a real hard time getting up the gumption to follow along with my video. seems i need to learn some new moves or maybe join a class). i get more satisfaction reading a good book than most anything else (check my myspace to see a list of current/past literary accomplishments). one other thing, i sure like to use parenthesis a whole lot.
PS- i'm interested in acquiring snail mail penpals, but this is not my real mailing address. send me an e-mail should you be interested in correspondance.
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