Personal HomePage for audrey

oh blondie, oh blondie, where art thou?
yep, that's me. basically i am vegan and i'm headed on my way to raw and living eating. i plan to become an actress while i study communications and business management in college in los angeles. i want to become certified in parelli natural horsemanship [] so i can teach horses and livestock animals to do amazing things so people will become moved and not want to eat them anymore. in my spare time, i can write stories and draw comics because i am talented in that area. i could possibly sell those comics and stuff for money if i'm out of a job so i can cover for myself. in the future, i want to develop the first vegan fast food chain. i want it to eventually become as big as, if not bigger, than mcdonald's. my dream is to buy out mcdonald's and change all of the meals to vegan items and not tell anyone. i bet people would believe they were real and better tasting!
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