Personal HomePage for :::/\|\|DRO(V)ED/\:::
Making the Transistion
I started the raw food diet on March 24th, and so far it's been going pretty good! For the most part I was reluctant to start any kind of vegetarian diet, let alone a raw food one because I was under the impression that I would constantly be cooking and preparing food...big hassle!
The other reason was that I would always be hungry, and have to eat constantly! Obviously that is not the case! I've been a vegetarian on and off over the past year...I say on and off because of an unstable souce of income... I didn't know what to make when I was extremely hungry and depressed, so I bought meat to fill me up and get rid of the hunger pains. Combined with an incorrect view of vegetarianism, I was always buying eggs, cheese, milk and sausages, thinking it was the only way to stop the pain of hunger on such a tight budget!
Was I wrong!!!
I'd be lying if I were to say that I'm exploding with energy and full of zest, like I've been touched by god or something. It just doesn't work like that. You may or may not get that feeling for a short while, but it's the lasting effect afterwards that are important.
I've noticed that I am taking the time now to enjoy the subtle details of life a little more. I have always done this in my past, but recently it has become slightly more evident. Shortly after beginning the transition phase, and taking both a herbal colon detox (Organika) and pharmaceutical grade omega 3, 6 and 9 oils (Platinum Naturals), I started to get extremely irritable. I went into work in the morning feeling very confident that I would have an extremely good day, and then slowly I began to become extremely irratated and angry. I thought it might have been an adverse reaction to the fish oils, but after having read more about this lifestyle I realised that it was most likely caused by the rapid detox I was undergoing. Apparently this and many other symptoms arise from such a rapid change in lifestyle. I could always eat more cooked foods to slow down the detox! lol
I'll add more to this site soon...I'm particularily interested in learning more about sprouting. There's a lot of information on the Net about this topic, but any advice and information anyone could give me would be most appreciated.
Here's my e-mail address...we can exchange recipes and learn more from one another. I have also bought the Raw Gourmet by Nomi Shannon. An EXCELLENT book, filled with tons of picturess. You MUST grow sprouts to make most of these recipes; after all, it's the basis of the raw diet if I understand correctly.
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