Personal HomePage for Maryann Tomko

Have a Fabulous Day!!!
Wellness and fitness are a states of Being. Health may be an assessment of the physical state. Wellness is a state, not of the “mind”, but of who you are being relative to your life …and to circumstances, kind of like being peaceful, being loving, being joyful. I assert that fitness is also a state of being, because we all say we know what to do, but don’t do it. When we really make a commitment to being fit, the actions that create fitness follow. We first choose or create that we want to “be” fit. Then we start to work out and change our eating habits. Wellness is the same, and may have little to do with health or illness. When we take on “being” well, certain actions follow to support wellness. Part of that may be exercise, or diet. Part of it may be creating a prayer or meditation practice. It’s a being that causes “right-relationship in our life. Wellness is honoring life, our life. Wellness is honoring your self. When we’re being well, we may choose …to take care of our bodies and treat them as a temple. We may choose to have massage as a part of our regular self care. There are so many types of bodywork out there. The list is very long. We may do these things apart from being well, like just to get out of pain. Being attached to “no pain” may often thwart our efforts to be healthy. We’re sooo focused on one single result, that we may miss quite a bit of what is actually occurring we may miss the experience of healing. Being well for wellness sake is a much freer and easier expression of the healing process. It’s often accompanied by gratitude or by peace states of Being that are hallmarks of wellness, and the foundation of wellbeing. You might want to incorporate yourself in your daytimer or palm pilot as a part of your daily routine. Schedule 20 minutes minimum every day for wellness… for honoring your self and the gift that you are to the world. If we could do without you, you probably wouldn’t be here. We need you, and we need you to be well.
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