Personal HomePage for KAREN KELLOCK

Karen Kellock Ph.D. is a newly-famous author who is changing the world with her new theory in psychology and diet. Everything you've been told is now old--these new inspiring theories are the best ever told. Her readers report instant transformations as fat becomes thin and losers start to win. It's so simple a child could understand this theory and formula for world success. It's all about genius--yours and mine--and what is obstructing it. These five new Champion Guides books will become bibles on your bed stand. Fully illustrated by this multi-talented author, you'll never return to traditional books again--these will evoke new vistas (you're no more a "has-been"). For more information go to her world-famous website (ten million readers already) see Karen is a psychologist, poet and world leader. Much of her writing deals with the pain from her own childhood. Her ANA followers say "Karen, you've assuaged the bitten horror of living--God bless you teacher"
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