Personal HomePage for Kaluriel
Welcome to Free World of Living Spirit!
Hi! I am Kaluriel ( one of the angels of the Great Mystery). Welcome to my freegan world, a world where all the basics are free because we are alive - not robots or slaves.
I have been into raw & living foods for over 15 years. I am about 50 -75% raw and would be more, but I live in a vegetarian community where cooking is preferred by the priesthood. I am a monk, a writer, artist, and vegan/raw activist.
My wish is to someday start a raw/living community in a warm, sunny climate where people do not crave warm, cooked foods and beverages. Hawaii or Arizona would be nice. Any ideas? A financial angel would be needed, with payback on a leasehold agreement. My idea is to make it a raw retreat for artists, writers, healers, and spiritual people with esoteric interests in metaphysics, ecological terraforming, permaculture, natural home building, recycling, income sharing, egalitarianism,people not afraid of a little rejuvenating physical work, etc...
I am into yoga, meditation, gardening, the arts and eco-sciences. Love music, massage of all types, Reiki, Tai Chi, QiGong,homeopathy, natural midwifery and child delivery, etc...
I am diverse, pangendered according to my moods and weather, love bisexual massage and polyamory, very tolerant sexual person and spiritually into tantra and tantric yoga, Tibetan rejuvenation method. Like some fasting, superfoods, organic herbs, juices, smoothies, nut butters, and raw gourmet food prep. Student of eastern and western methods of growth and transmutational sciences.
Let's break down economic & social & sexual barriers and prejudice and work for world shanti (peace) and divine love - without the labels attached to preferences or stages of growth.
Namaste'! Shanti!
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