Personal HomePage for D.A. Colvin I've Discovered the Fountain of Youth - Guess My Age. D.A. Colvin resides on the East Coast with her husband. Their vegetarian, natural living diet and holistic, environmentally conscious lifestyle keeps them vibrant and youthful. She is an advocate of environmental awareness and as a voice for compassion for animals. She has worked with Greenpeace and other similar organizations in raising awareness to the importance of wholeness, as well as environmental understanding. Upon seeing the dramatic positive results from her choices, D.A. decided to share her knowledge, wisdom, and experience with the world. This resulted in a series of articles and prose, as well as three non-fiction alternative health books and two unique innovative romance novels. For 20 years, she has taught people how they can enjoy clean, organic, non-toxic, earth-friendly beauty, using only 100% pure organic plant essences, completely FREE of harmful petro-chemicals. She shows people how to distinguish and discern the truth from the lies that the multi-nationals are so good at shoveling with their obscene million-dollar advertising. She teaches people the basic fundamentals of reading a product label and she introduces them to the natural world. To read more about D.A. and her writing, please visit the following web site: www.notperfume.com Visit my favorite web site below: E-mail me at: permadeva@yahoo.com Personal Homepage Index |
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