Personal HomePage for Ahmen Heaven

Aloha from remote, coastal Hawaii…
Here below is a description of my situation (home, love-life, etc.), and a link to my website for many more photos, (although I’d rather focus on a life of sensations, rather than of thoughts)...
The following comes by way of a long letter i wrote earlier, searching for that one-in-a-million...
Photo of me on this website from May 2001, but now with mustache and goatee... If you're interested, many more photos of me on (link to photos from home page)... That website designed to sell my invention: “Touch-Screen Tombstones.”
I own a very nice place in Hawaii, 27-acre farm i call "Holy-Woods, Place of Refuge," my sanctuary and personal, private retreat, where i live and work at home, almost no neighbors for miles in every direction, and the cleanest, most peaceful, scenic setting i’ve ever known. It’s in a remote coastal area called Kalapana, a lonely outpost halfway between “Podunk” and “Bumfork”...
Since i’m such an earthy guy, preferring a simple lifestyle, and busy around my farm and home-office with endless projects that keep me happily engaged, i don’t get out as often as i could, except to really nice beach 4 miles up the coast, and that's about as far as i travel these days... But even if i did get out more, the population is so small in this part of Hawaii, my chances are relatively small that i will find around here that one-in-a-million soul-mate i’m looking for... So that’s why i’m looking at a few special prospects on this dating site...
My property in Hawaii is mostly old-growth mango forest, close to the ocean, HUNDREDS of 100-ft-tall mango trees, plenty of warm sun, and also nice shade underneath canopy of huge, old-growth mango forest... AND YOU'RE INVITED!!
Besides hundreds of huge, old mango trees (actually closer to a thousand), also on property is the largest organic papaya farm in Hawaii (my ex-wife and partner run it), and also thousands of "sugar-loaf" pineapples (super-sweet, low-acid variety), lots of passion-fruit (called ‘lilikoi’ in Hawaiian), hundreds of noni trees, avocados, bananas, and dozens of other tropical fruits you probably never heard of… and lots of colorful, aromatic flowers, close to ocean, very nice beach, cleanest environment maybe anywhere on earth (!!), near-perfect climate, relatively dry and windswept, very private and secluded (almost no neighbors for miles every direction!)
I have 5 daughters with ex-wife... Was married to her over 21 yrs, until May 2001, and each of us, and every one of our daughters, have our own private cabins on the property... She and kids moved up near top of sloping forested property, out of sight, with her new boyfriend (my best and longest friend in Hawaii), after our friendly separation one year ago (after he literally BEGGED her repeatedly to leave me and be his mate, until she finally gave in)… She’s still super-friendly with me, and i see my lovely kids and her every day, but have lost any interest in re-uniting with her in a romantic or sexual way...
I’m semi-retired, living and working around the farm, but sort of a recluse… Really enjoy the peaceful supportive surroundings, in most beautiful, secluded, warm, private setting, nice lawn on edge of old-growth mango forest, colorful aromatic flowers, hundreds of other fruit trees, etc.... Some farming, but mainly work as loan consultant for huge business loans (now 13 projects under contract total $1.7 Billion)... Work on my own schedule, in nice private office, under cool shady canopy on edge of forest, looking out onto sunny lawn… No one else down here on lower part of property, which is scenic, peaceful, secluded, private, with 7 cabins all to myself!!! How about the nicest one for you?
I see my kids everyday, although kids know i’m usually working at loan business during mid-day, so they usually come around late afternoon… but during the days, its sooo quiet and pleasant: only sounds I hear, all day long, are just the sound of the wind (constant nice breeze) and of birds singing… Nightime: sound of crickets and ocean … and this time of year, the delightful intoxicating aroma of night-blooming jasmine flowers…
If interested, i also publish my 4 health books on the Internet, on (Jesus' Diet for Your Sins...Heal Thyself for Christ's Sake! … Stop Eating: Fasting and Elimination are More Important!… and Urine: The Fountain of Youth!) …
Mmy proposal: get out of Babylon... too dangerous with all the terrorism, and threats of more to come... Maybe we'd "click" but never know unless we try...
Of course "chemistry" is everything in romantic love relationships, so we'll see what, if anything, develops...
~ Robert, or Ahmen Heaven (my pen name) ***... ps: If interested, call me anytime (best = 8am-4pm Hawaii time)… i'm listed under "Family Fruit Farm" and also "AAA Loan Arranger" (808) 965-9494, or toll-free (if it works from your part of the world) = (888) 696-3966...
Visit my favorite web site below: