by Tom Billings
A side effect of raw food diets reported by some people is
that their eyes become clearer and/or their eye color may even change. Also, it is fairly
common for vision to improve somewhat as the (internal) cleansing effect of a raw food
diet improves circulation. I noticed some years ago when I returned to raw foods (after
eating cooked food for a while) that my vision improved slightly and my eyes became
slightly bluer. It took several months on raw foods for the color change to be noticeable
(improvement in vision took only a few weeks to be noticeable).
This effect is briefly mentioned in some of the letters in
the book (of letters) compiled by Viktoras Kulvinskas ("Life in the 21st
Century", see pgs. 244-245, 327-329 for mention of eye color changes; also see pgs.
42-45, 242-244). In the iridology section of Viktoras' "Survival in the 21st
Century" (pg. 199) the claim is made that "As the body regenerates, the iris
changes in color value... With healing, the natural color will return. The whole iris may
become lighter in color". [Note: both books are available in the SF-LiFE lending
library; members have borrowing privileges.]
Some people's eye colors may be "prescribed" by
genetics (??), and in those people the eyes become clearer, but the color might not
change. The Ayurvedic view of eye color is that your eyes are the color that you have in
"excess" (excess in the astral or spiritual body). That view supports the idea
that changes in eye color may be possible due to the deep cleansing provided by a raw food
diet. Also, reportedly there are cases of multiple personality syndrome in which a
person's eye color changes according to which personality is "resident" at the
time! I also recall reading recent newspaper reports about a drug (approved by the FDA)
that has the side-effect of changing your eye color. So, there is considerable evidence to
support the idea that eye color can change.
Further evidence for the idea that eye color can change in
presented in the book, "Aghora: At the Left Hand of God", by Robert E. Svoboda.
That book presents a description of the life and principles of an Aghori, a Tantric adept,
named Vimalananda. In the introduction (pg. 35), Svoboda says regarding Vimalananda:
"He certainly was not confined by the restrictions which
confine most mortals. His eyes, for example, refused to remain the same color at all
times. Sometimes they were a light blue, often they were light green, the color of a grape
known as anab-e-shahi. At some moments they could become nearly colorless....At other
times when he was feeling playful he would adjust his eye color to match mine and would
then call everyone in the room over to see and comment..."
A few notes of explanation, regarding Vimalananda: 1) Svoboda
spent 8 years with Vimalananda; the above is first hand information. 2) Vimalananda was an
adept at the left-hand path of Tantra known as Vama Marga; such people are rare. Most
Tantrics choose the safer, more conservative right hand path called Dakshina Marga.
Dakshina is meant for those who seek steady spiritual progress at low risk; Vama is
described as "fast, intense, terrible". The sexual rituals that made Tantra
notorious (and which have been debased and commercialized by some in the West) are part of
Vama Marga, the left hand path of Tantra. 3) Vimalananda was not a raw fooder, but he was
a vegetarian. 4) At the present time (3/97), the "Aghora" book is not in the
SF-LiFE library. It is avaialble at the bookstore at the Integral Yoga Institute, San
I invite anyone who has experienced or observed eye color
changes to comment on the above; SF-LiFE newsletter readers can send written comments,
while those reading this on Internet can respond to the author |